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Okay so today im playing on UK6 running around the hills of elektro with my AKM. I'm looking for those guys that snipe there, hopefully try get a better weapon?

Anyways so i hear this gunshot, that sounds alot like a 50 caliber. So i hit the deck and start crawling around, hoping to hear another gun shot. I look down to the fire station and see a tent with a player running towards it.. and then 5 50 calliber shots ensue. But this time the shots are nearby. So that means ive managed to sneak past him right? So i crawl into the woods and i spot the guy, with what looks to be a AS50, either way its a 50 cal from the look. So i wait for him to stop moving around, and then bang i light him up with 3 shots. He dies instantly from a headshot.

But in the bottom left of the screen it says "DangerMan dies from friendly fire (Adam-Desktop)" (my in-game name, no idea why its that. would love to change it).

So i runs on over to his corpse thinking this is my lucky day. Corpse instantly disappears...

So what the f**k just happened? Never seen that message before?

Is this guy a hacker?

A few minutes later im running through more hillside trying to get out of there as fast as possible and i hear more 50 cal shots, and then bang im dead.

what are the odds of two people using a similar weapon camping elektro?

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Because where all on the same team in Dayz it is registering as 'friendly fire'. So don't worry about it, it's normal.

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Because where all on the same team in Dayz it is registering as 'friendly fire'. So don't worry about it' date=' it's normal.


So why did his body dissappear straight away?

It was like when someone used hide body? Was it a disconnect or something? Not been playing the game that long and some things still 'puzzle' me.

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Normally this message pops up when someody is killing in debug forest. If you have a screenshot they can ban the killer.

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It wasn't in debug forest though.

He most likely alt-f4'd after dying which can cause the body to glitch and disappear, happens quite a lot unfortunately.

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Had this happen to me the other. Our group killed a guy and his body disappeared. 1 minute later he is back in the same area with different gear. We managed to kill him again. The message popped up both times we killed him so I believe it is hack related. The guy managed to resurrect with different gear :/

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(my in-game name' date=' no idea why its that. would love to change it).[/quote']Your Arma profile defaults to your Windows profile name.

To change it, use the Player profile option on the main menu.

don't worry about it' date=' it's normal.[/quote']I've never seen that message. It always says "BlahBlah was killed".

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(my in-game name' date=' no idea why its that. would love to change it).[/quote']Your Arma profile defaults to your Windows profile name.

To change it, use the Player profile option on the main menu.

don't worry about it' date=' it's normal.[/quote']I've never seen that message. It always says "BlahBlah was killed".

Thats the issue i cant change it that way, i can sit there clicking in the name box all day and it wont let me change. I can change my looks, but i cant change the name. Or is this cause i have an active character?

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I think it's to do with someone disconnecting AS they die. They die and then the join another server with full health again which deletes the un-needed dead body.

Doesn't explain how my guy came back with totally different gear to what he had. He also did not leave the server.

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I think it's to do with someone disconnecting AS they die. They die and then the join another server with full health again which deletes the un-needed dead body.

Doesn't explain how my guy came back with totally different gear to what he had. He also did not leave the server.

Least its not me going crazy.

Just hope that whatever the guy did gets fixed soon.

Its the second body to disappear on me today, i got jumped in a barn with a guy with a bizon. So i killed him with my remington and then started looting and his body dissapeared. Really annoying, wanted his stuff, he hurt me :P

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You didn't mention your guy coming back with different gear in your post...

After i killed the guy and i was running away.

AKM shots pretty much tell everyone that theres someone in the hills.

I got killed after hearing more 50 cal shots.

Could have been coincidental, but it seemed a little unlikely.

I never saw the guy who ended me, so i couldnt cofirm it was the same guy, but it was someone using the same weapon.

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You didn't mention your guy coming back with different gear in your post...

Had this happen to me the other. Our group killed a guy and his body disappeared. 1 minute later he is back in the same area with different gear. We managed to kill him again. The message popped up both times we killed him so I believe it is hack related. The guy managed to resurrect with different gear :/

I think you'l see that I did.

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Thats the issue i cant change it that way' date=' i can sit there clicking in the name box all day and it wont let me change. I can change my looks, but i cant change the name. Or is this cause i have an active character?[/quote']You can't rename a profile IIRC, so you need to create a new profile (this doesn't do anything to your DayZ character -- they're connected to your CD-Key, not your Arma profile name).

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