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Yes, total wipe to get rid of the bug item, glitch item and "illegaly" spawned items.

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Are you the guy from /vg/?

Rocket' date=' just so you know, someone from /vg/ on 4chan has managed to breach your servers. The coding for saved items isn't encrypted and he's tempted to delete it just because he can. He posted screenies aswell.


I find this more troubling than anything else in the thread...

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With newly 1.7.2 patch this solution might be useful.

Don't you think?

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YES for every major patch (1.8.0, 1.9.0, etc) including world items (vehicles, tents, wire fence, etc)

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I would say between every major update, sure, and if not that, then the major phases of the game such as when we move from alpha to beta, and then from beta to release. I still feel that players should have a weapon of some nature to start off with, a melee weapon of course, no need to bring back the revolver, but that's just a personal opinion.

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The tears of people who suck at this game are delicious.

If you think it is bad now wait till 500 000 players start at the beach simultaneously. Think there's going to be anything left in Cherno/Elektro to loot? Nope.

Hackers will still hack. You'll still be stuck with a flashlight. But you'll all be at the beach.

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It will happen by accident or when Rocket feels like doing it. It will almost certainly happen when the game goes from alpha to beta.

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This would be awesome

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there really is no point in alpha.

you can test relevant stuff with and without wipe just the same.

people rampant asking for a wipe just went mad over the stuff they lost.

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The only people wanting equipment reset are the ones who have either.

  • Just lost it all.
  • Never been able to find anything good.
  • Jealous of those who can put the effort in.

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The only people wanting equipment reset are the ones who have either.

  • Just lost it all.
  • Never been able to find anything good.
  • Jealous of those who can put the effort in.

Not really, I just think it would be interesting to see EVERYONE sprinting into cherno/elektro freshly spawned and fighting like vultures over everything they find, haha.

Protip: When trying to be elitist, don't be a tryhard.

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Not really, I just think it would be interesting to see EVERYONE sprinting into cherno/elektro freshly spawned and fighting like vultures over everything they find, haha.

Protip: When trying to be elitist, don't be a tryhard.

And you fit into the 3rd category!

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I have a 35 day old character with pretty much all the stuff there is to find in the game. I say, YES, let's reset this bitch.

Edited by Menny

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I'm amazed some people actually think this will never happen when the game moves out of Alpha. I think they should do it as soon as they fixed item duping, because its so rife that people have huge piles of gear duplicated. The amount of time I've seen a pic of like 8 guys running around with like a DMR, NVG, and best backpack each.

This is coming from a guy with a SVD, .50cal, NVGs, Bison and the lot.

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