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cfgspawnabletypes.xml 1.19

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we have new damage values for all the loot that spawns. i think its a small, but one of the best changes with 1.19. nomore massive amounts of pristine items in an apocalyptic world. so - thank you!

in the old cfgspawnabletypes file we had a general line for damage values just on the top of that file:

    <damage min="0.3" max="0.7" /> <- i ASSUME (theres no documentary i know about) 0.0 would be ruined, 0.1 badly damaged, 1.0 would be pristine. maybe? at which number the damage state changes from damaged to badly damaged etc.?

in the NEW config file for 1.19 theres nomore a general damage line on top, but under many single items this damagevalues will be used now, example:

    <type name="NVGoggles">
        <damage min="0.01" max="0.32" /> <- so those will only spawn closed to ruined? do i got that right?

can i still use the "general damage value" on top of the file, using it for all items that are in the cfgspawnabletypes.xml or do i have to edit every single item on its own? that would be aLOT of copy and paste, while im fine to use random damage values for all files.

Edited by etwas

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im really hoping for an answer before this hits stable on the 18th of october.

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I ask for help. How to make a spawning loot intact in a file cfgspawnabletypes.xml version 1.19. Is it possible to register damage in one line for the entire loot?

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