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DCing to avoid being shot IS pretty bad, however the majority of people complaining about it have a hard time not coming off as whiney PVPers who are upset that they didn't get a new kill added to their stats.

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lost THREE, yes...THREE M107s and possibly an AS-50 in the last TWO days, because me & my co-sniper will double-hit a sniper that spawns in on the NWAF, and he'll somehow manage to abort. You can't lose gear you never had bro

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I like the idea of just reporting people who want to puss out. If they want to be wimps and cowards, then so be it, but I feel that there will be no solution to the problem in a game like ArmA that wouldn't intrude upon the ability of other players to log out in an honest fashion.

We all hate disconnect fags, but the least we can do is ban them from a server, and if they're a major problem, blacklist them. I think going into some sort of elaborate set-up that tracks everything feels intrusive, and might hurt honest players as a result. Blocking seems to work.

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Explain to me why this is a problem. If you have all this gear and get that Nerd Rage when they DC, think about what you were going to do with the body? Loot it? You have all this 'Pro' gear. You killed them and they're fucked. And people who snipe in the big cities disgust me. All I can imagine is some giddy 14 year old jumping up and down in his chair because he ruined someone else's fun. You want to PVP in those areas? Go down there and risk being shot. I'm not saying you can't snipe. Clearing that wide open NW airfeild can be risky without the proper rifle. Just stop bitching about this shit.

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Maybe its a mechanic so that guys like yourself sitting around sniping folks who just logged on can't kill them immeadiately.

Maybe they shouldn't server hop high value military locations where some items are only available at and earn them legitimately instead of taking advantage of a broken system. Regardless' date=' it'll be fixed.


lost THREE' date=' yes...THREE M107s and possibly an AS-50 in the last TWO days, because me & my co-sniper will double-hit a sniper that spawns in on the NWAF, and he'll somehow manage to abort. You can't lose gear you never had bro


If you want to be technical, yes, they were never mine. However, they would of been had he stayed on the server when he fell unconscious and started to bleed out because he had been outplayed, plain and simple. If you carry a sniper rifle on your back, you play the counter-sniping game. You don't use it for zombies. You don't carry it around to make your self-esteem grow a couple notches. You use it to kill other players for the purpose of loot collection. Instead, he can alt F4 while he's unconscious, wait until he meets up with a friend on teamspeak who can be there when he logs in, loot the corpse, and return his items. The player was dead, and on his way to the grave because of a bullet I fired, yet I'm not awarded for it. This has nothing to do with "adding stats" to my killcount. It has to do with the search of acquiring an item I want, which is very rare yet seems that everyone who has one is either a hopper/ghoster/or DC'er because they're so terrified of losing a weapon.

I have yet to DC when I've been hit. If I can survive the situation, I try my best to do so. If I can't, and I have no support in the area to possibly kill the other player before he can loot me, he's entitled to my gear as he obtained it fairly. I don't bitch about being killed(unless from a ghoster, again...not a fair firefight under any circumstance) or DC when the bullets fly. Yet 75% of people do even when a round cracks near them and doesn't even hit them. They make no attempt to take up cover and set up a defensive position, they just join a low pop server, continue doing there thing, and then are free to go there marry way. Fine, be that way. That's fine with me. But you're not playing the game the way it was intended. I've done my fair share of being a friendly survivor working with other people.

And honestly, how many times do I have to tell people that you'll never catch me firing on fresh spawns with inferior gear in the starting areas. If you come to locations that are high risk, you are inviting yourself to an engagement. You know the risk when you enter. I sure as hell do.

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Maybe its a mechanic so that guys like yourself sitting around sniping folks who just logged on can't kill them immeadiately.

Maybe they shouldn't server hop high value military locations where some items are only available at and earn them legitimately instead of taking advantage of a broken system. Regardless' date=' it'll be fixed.


lost THREE' date=' yes...THREE M107s and possibly an AS-50 in the last TWO days, because me & my co-sniper will double-hit a sniper that spawns in on the NWAF, and he'll somehow manage to abort. You can't lose gear you never had bro


If you want to be technical, yes, they were never mine. However, they would of been had he stayed on the server when he fell unconscious and started to bleed out because he had been outplayed, plain and simple. If you carry a sniper rifle on your back, you play the counter-sniping game. You don't use it for zombies. You don't carry it around to make your self-esteem grow a couple notches. You use it to kill other players for the purpose of loot collection. Instead, he can alt F4 while he's unconscious, wait until he meets up with a friend on teamspeak who can be there when he logs in, loot the corpse, and return his items. The player was dead, and on his way to the grave because of a bullet I fired, yet I'm not awarded for it. This has nothing to do with "adding stats" to my killcount. It has to do with the search of acquiring an item I want, which is very rare yet seems that everyone who has one is either a hopper/ghoster/or DC'er because they're so terrified of losing a weapon.

I have yet to DC when I've been hit. If I can survive the situation, I try my best to do so. If I can't, and I have no support in the area to possibly kill the other player before he can loot me, he's entitled to my gear as he obtained it fairly. I don't bitch about being killed(unless from a ghoster, again...not a fair firefight under any circumstance) or DC when the bullets fly. Yet 75% of people do even when a round cracks near them and doesn't even hit them. They make no attempt to take up cover and set up a defensive position, they just join a low pop server, continue doing there thing, and then are free to go there marry way. Fine, be that way. That's fine with me. But you're not playing the game the way it was intended. I've done my fair share of being a friendly survivor working with other people.

And honestly, how many times do I have to tell people that you'll never catch me firing on fresh spawns with inferior gear in the starting areas. If you come to locations that are high risk, you are inviting yourself to an engagement. You know the risk when you enter. I sure as hell do.

So your saying players who try to avoid PVP like the plague are playing dayz wrong?

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