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Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

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Hey rocket,

hopefull you'll read this :)

Anyway I'm a huge M1 Garand fanboy, and I'd love one in DayZ. I made a Garand model ages ago, here it is:


Anyway, I took the model and got it as a working gun in game, with animated bolt and whatnot. I'm going to rebake and retexture it so it's less noisy, and because I'm a lot better now than I was when I made it, so I can squeeze more out of the texture space and fix any little errors. Once I've done that, I'll finalise it, give it new sounds/icons, the lovely little ping noise it makes etc, and package it up so its 100% ready to go.

When that's done, would you consider adding it to DayZ? Pretty please?

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Absolutely. 100%.

This is fantastic work.

Could be in next update. Just need the model, the credits info (your name, hours worked etc...), all the stuff. I love this weapon :)

Having a model of the mag independently is important too, with a few rounds thrown around.

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Absolutely. 100%.

This is fantastic work.

Could be in next update. Just need the model' date=' the credits info (your name, hours worked etc...), all the stuff. I love this weapon :)

Having a model of the mag independently is important too, with a few rounds thrown around.


Awesome, I'll get the clip model sorted out as well. As soon its done I'll pass it along to you. My only question is, when I package it up, should I redefine the paths to the assets as being found in the DayZ_weapons.pbo, rather than my current .pbo, if you're going to place it in there?

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Oh sweet jesus... no matter what kind of silenced, fully automatic, flashlight attached weapon I find, it'll just be a substitute while I try to find one of these... *drools*

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Not a fan of M1 garand(I mean not your work but weapon in general)

But this is so well done that I allready feel bad about writing that sentence before.

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I can do the configuration, or we can induct you as an artist and give you SVN access

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I'd love to be inducted as an artist! One final question before I re-bake this; do you know if the RV engine supports mirrored normal maps? The other engines I work with do, but I figured I'd ask you before I re-bake this since it's a massive ballache to re-UV it all if it later turns out not to :)

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i don't mean to be a dickwad, but i know of a more accurate model you could probably use if you wanted. The sights are kind of way off (link), which usually wouldn't matter but arma is a sim.

I'd love to be inducted as an artist! One final question before I re-bake this; do you know if the RV engine supports mirrored normal maps? The other engines I work with do' date=' but I figured I'd ask you before I re-bake this since it's a massive ballache to re-UV it all if it later turns out not to :)


The tangent basis is pretty consistent with max. Not perfect but close. Just make sure you offset the stacked elements by 1, though it's best to do that anyway. I thought you said you already got it ingame?

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i don't mean to be a dickwad' date=' but i know of a more accurate model you could probably use if you wanted. The sights are kind of way off, which usually wouldn't matter but arma is a sim.


I'd love to be inducted as an artist! One final question before I re-bake this; do you know if the RV engine supports mirrored normal maps? The other engines I work with do' date=' but I figured I'd ask you before I re-bake this since it's a massive ballache to re-UV it all if it later turns out not to :)


The tangent basis is pretty consistent with max. Not perfect but close. Just make sure you offset the stacked elements by 1, though it's best to do that anyway. I thought you said you already got it ingame?

I can change the sights no problem. I do have it in game, but the old version you saw. I'm going to re-bake and re texture it, along with some optimization, and one of the things I wanted to do to squeeze more out of the texture (which I didn't do previously) is mirror the normal maps. Ordinarily it would cause lighting issues; some engines can correct it (CryEngine and UDK for example, do this) but some don't, and I would rather not bake it and texture it only to find out I'll have to do it again.

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Looks really good! make sure you post the final result of the re-textured object here.

/ Maybe we should have like a Section here on the forums, where people can post stuff they have made or can do to contribute to the mod( modeling/coding etc ) .

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Looks absolutely amazing, I hope it makes it into the next update !

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I can change the sights no problem.

The charging handle too? And the bolt?

And the charging handle's forward half being mirrored onto the left side of the gun when it shouldnt be there?

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I can change the sights no problem.

The charging handle too? And the bolt?

And the charging handle's forward half being mirrored onto the left side of the gun when it shouldnt be there?

Do you get off on being a douchebag?

And the charging handle isn't mirrored anywhere.

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Do you get off on being a douchebag?

I'm only making objective criticism. Arma's a sim and the default weapons are all pretty accurate. Rocket can manage to be a bit discerning when it comes to this.

And the charging handle isn't mirrored anywhere.

Hm. It's right in your face in firstperson view.


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Do you get off on being a douchebag?

I'm only making objective criticism. Arma's a sim and the default weapons are all pretty accurate. Rocket can manage to be a bit discerning when it comes to this.

And the charging handle isn't mirrored anywhere.

Hm. It's right in your face in firstperson view.


Alrighty, I will fix it.

And for the record, its not hard to objectively critique with out coming off as a douche. It's all about the tone you give off when you write things.

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i'm not the one calling people douchebag though. I hope my crits helped.

Yep, they helped a ton.

Do it nice or do it twice, as they say.

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This is so exciting. It's so awesome to see this game being community-developed like this, and to have a dev like Rocket who is open to these kinds of contributions. If I get my hands on a garand I will never let her go.

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Although it does look great, I dont think it will fit the game. Couple of reasons:

1. It is an American ww2 weapon, cherno is a former soviet state, there is no way a 70 year old american rifle would be available on an island like cherno.

2. We already have to many american/european weapons in the mod, like the winchester, m4's m16's etc, most off them available in larger quantity's then the real soviet weapons, we need more rifles like: ak103/4/7, scorpion, sa-51 ( not sur if thats the name, I mean the czech weapon) KSVK (would make more sense then the m107) pkp pecheng, rpk, RPG, SVD, Vss vintorez, as val, and many more. MOST IMPORTANTLY the Mosin-nagant and the ww2 russian submachine gun ( pshk or something, cant remember the name) because insane amounts of these 2 are still present in former soviet states, and they would make way more sense then a winchester or m1 grand.

3. Ammo for a rifle like that would be very, VERY scarce in an acopalypse, especially the clips holding the rounds.

4. The typical sound it makes ejecting the clip would give you a major disadvantage, as it notifies everyone; HEY I AM OUT OF AMMO, COME SHOOT ME WHILE I RELOAD.

I just dont think that adding more (irl) rare weapons to the game would make any sense.

Maybe if you have some spare time you could make some russian weapons? You certainly have skills.

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KSVK (would make more sense then the m107) pkp pecheng' date=' rpk, RPG, SVD, Vss vintorez, as val, and many more.


I kind of disagree on these points. If you imagine a world-collapse kind of situation you gotta imagine who's going to be the first to start profiteering by selling weapons to insurgents or interest groups in countries likely to become their rivals for resources. This in mind it's plausible for slighly older american stuff to be diffused among states deemed unfriendly to the US. I don't mean garand though. This justifies the presence of m16s and LAWs and m107s though, imo.

The other thing to consider is that i dont think this asset will match the quality of the default arma ones, accuracy and texture wise. It might seem harsh to say this, but to juxtapose it with the arma2 assets will really highlight the problems it has.

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