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Sobraram Dois


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Hello guys! How are you? I would like to make a suggestion for the 1.19 update story. On my channel I made a video about what could happen in the next update. In this video I made a great connection between several previous teasers. I would be very happy if you guys watch the video, it can help you to develop the story in a great way!

Thanks in advance,

Caio Perez, Sobraram Dois channel.

Link: https://youtu.be/QTC3PKTuM0A

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Videos go in the gallery sub forum. 

The lore has already been established. This is my Dayz.  This is My story.  

Having your own story is essential to any game that has no finished concept and is built upon the principles of adding whatever random mechanics you have laying around the office.   

Having a finished anything is anti thematic to what the title represents. Soz 

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