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Seattle 47, Got some hackers..

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Just blasted a hacker that was riding bitch on his boyfreinds 4 wheeler.. your loot makes it completely obvious TheAdventurer (FYI) NVG,GPS, MP5SD, 10x MP5SD, PDW with PDWSD mags and survivor skin..... no food, drink or medicine , ect.. Please for the love of this mod check logs and ban him..:dodgy:

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Don't waste dev's time on some bullshit accusation. Do you know what hacking is? Obviously he got gear-lifted by his friend(s)

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Don't waste dev's time on some bullshit accusation. Do you know what hacking is? Obviously he got gear-lifted by his friend(s)

Excuse me, Im sorry disregard this post we have a baddass over here! You know what? Hang your self David Carradine style, thanks that is all the input needed from you. (like I said check logs) if I'm wrong ban me.

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if he had pdwsd mags' date=' he was a hacker, either way, OP is the shit.



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You're sad' date=' son. Why you heff to be mad? It's only a game.


shhhhshh just hold in the stupid.. you can do it.... I am reporting a hacker, I will dumb it down for you... (A cheater)..like I said check the logs.. now please quit breathing little fella!

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bump this this is gear he got from people

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Wai u heff to be med?

yup you got me:@ ding ding ding ding we have a winner... now please join your brother and smother yourself with stupid..

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Solus. You need to start taking those morphine injectors, calm down.

Hackers happen. It sucks yes, but the good in this game out weights the bad.

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