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Richard Lepore

What happened to sniper rifles?

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I returned to play after a long time and noticed that sniper rifles no longer kill in one shot, the case is even worse when the enemy is using plate.

is this a game problem or have the developers reduced their damage to this point?

both the M70 Tundra, Blaze and Mosin are unplayable.


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Game has had some balance changes as of somewhat recent.
Less instakills, and more uncons.

In general, wearing no armor is more dangerous now (more base damage across all guns pretty much) but armor protects you more (Stab vest, press vest, plate carrier)
From the "big 3":

(note: i'm talking about chest shots in all scenarios)
Blaze - one shot uncon vs plate at ~130 meters (almost 140) - Blaze capable of one shot kills without armor till ~360 meters - single shot.
Mosin - one shot uncon vs plate at ~240 meters (almost 250) - Mosin capable of one shot kills without armor till ~400 meters.
Tundra - one shot uncon vs plate at ~220 meters (almost 230) - Tundra capable of one shot kills without armor till ~440 meters.

Blaze is the weakest one of them all, but it has a double shot mode which should make it capable of one shot unconning a plate at ~830 meters if I'm not wrong.

Google wobo dayz tools and find damage drop off tool to check out damage charts.

Edited by DefectiveWater

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2 hours ago, Richard Lepore said:

sniper rifles no longer kill in one shot, the case is even worse when the enemy is using plate.

By using the phrase 'even worse' in conjunction with 'using plate' you imply that killing someone (without plate) should take less than one shot.  Which is hilarious.

2 hours ago, Richard Lepore said:

both the M70 Tundra, Blaze and Mosin are unplayable.

I rest my case.

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