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Switching weapons from backpack to inventory

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So I know how to do it, go from backpack to inventory, not the other way around.

I also know it moves the magazines with the weapon.

What if both my weapons take the same magazines? Will it still attempt to move the magazines?

Wanted to ask before I do it and lose something.

Thank you :)

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Anyone help me out? Still haven't tried, too afraid to lose my stuffffs

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Press the open inventory key.

Click open bag.

Compare items numbered on the right or the left of items name to see if the right or left is what's in the backpack.

Switch stuff.

And I know I sometimes can see what's in the bag directly, but always seem to forget how.

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What? I know how to see in backpack. I'm talking about switching primary weapons. I have two. One in my pack and one im holding. They both take the same magazines. I wanted to switch the one from backpack to holding. I know it used to make the weapon disapear if you didn't have room.

Don't know if this is still the case??

Also wondering, since they both take the same magazines, will it still try to move the magazines with the rifle?

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It should just switch the weapons over, tryed it the other day and worked fine, didn't loose either guns. Not sure about the ammo tho, you'd expect the ammo to stay in active inventory, but who knows, give it a try.

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For christ's sake, stop bumping this thread. The problem is fixed. You can switch weapons back and forth without losing them. The ammo should auto switch, if not you manual switch it. Nothing disappears. Mods close thread pls.

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