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Soda can use

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After you drink a canned drink or eat a canned food with a pull tab on it, you should be able to get either the pull tab or the can and combine it with pliers or a knife to make a fishing hook out of the pull tab. I think it would add more realism to the game and add another easier way for fishing hooks. It would also give the pliers another use. 

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Not bad.  Maybe combine a soda can and knife to make an improvised hook.  The pull tab idea isn't bad but maybe excessive.

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This is a good idea, currently the only "survival" way of obtaining a fishing hook is to... kill an animal (bone hook) which is kinda weird since if you can kill an animal that means you already got some food. So the fishing requires an extra step of finding animals.

Combining soda cans and a knife would be also a good idea, but the issue is that Soda cans magically vanish as soon as you drink them.
Also I find it dumb how if you stop drinking a soda can, and then continue again you have to wait for the pull tab animation every time.

Edited by DefectiveWater

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