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Stealth kills bug

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Hey guys, since 1.16 im having a lot of trouble to perform stealth kills, anyone has had the same issues? And are the devs aware if so?

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It's been a problem since it was introduced. It's often pot luck if your toon performs a "stealth kill" or just ends up slashing at a zombie's back like a dope.

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I honestly struggle to get that close to them, and when I do, I end up slashing their back. And I think it’d be cool if you could do this on people as a reward for their ignorance/your stealth.

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The only human players that the stealth kill would work on are those that are AFK or asleep.

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Yeah, but if they were like sorting inventory, filling a gas tank, drinking from a fountain, basically anytime they’re standing still.

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They'd probably hear you before you got near enough.

Seriously, they'd want to be the absolute worst DayZ players ever to fall prey to a "stealth kill" in this game.

It's a nice idea, but it wouldn't work...unless players could be made absolutely silent and that's not going to happen because it would impact elsewhere.

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On 4/2/2022 at 10:52 AM, Tristan Cooper said:

a reward for their ignorance/your stealth.

I get what you’re saying though 

Edited by Tristan Cooper

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Hmm, I rarely have an issue with this. I even feel that infected alertness was decreased significantly. I remember them chasing each door slam in like a 30 meter radius. Now I can go in and out of a house and even jog around indoor and they won't notice. 

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