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Hey guys I’m pretty new to dayz I have a friend who teams with me too and he’s new too. I was just wondering if anyone knows a good server to learn the routes we pretty much covered basics. We do have the dayz launcher too if that helps. Thank you guys

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Any server is good for map exploration, if you want you can try some community servers that focus on PvE more so that you don't get murdered by the first person that you meet. Find a compass, open a map and explore away. I have two favourite routes I use if I want to gear up fast. (I will usually suicide if spawn to far from either)

Balota spawn - easily recognised by tall apartment buildings in the background, the route goes  :

Balota - komarovo - kamneka - pavlovo - zelonogorks - proud chernarus - small military camp to south west 

Route number 2

Svetlojarks spawning on the coast with a lot of tall christmas trees or near the docks

Route goes

Svetlojarks - small base outside turovo - turovo - karmanovka - dobroe - now I'll follow the edge of the map and visit every deer stand and feed shack along the way - nagornoe - camping village to the south east - kamensk military base

By the time you leave kamensk you should be relatively well equipped. If you still feel like exploring head west to Tisy. 


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