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m.w. vindicator

Ranks on the DayZ forum [(awake) for example]

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I'm just curoius. I am (awake) and I see others that are scouts, or collectors for example. Does anyone know how the system works

i.e. is it related to number of post?

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i.e. is it related to number of post?

I'd guess so.

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Thanks. You are a pathfinder I see. It could also be related to how long you have been on the forums

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Thanks. You are a pathfinder I see. It could also be related to how long you have been on the forums

Pretty sure it's just post count. Mine changed at 500 exactly.

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Pretty sure it's just post count. Mine changed at 500 exactly.

alright thanks. The forum mods should make a thread on this. I know bungie's forums have a thread like that. Nothing that important simply for curious people like me.

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