nemorus 278 Posted November 22, 2021 You propably already found me as a nagger and i don't really mind. It just that i can't watch potential being wasted. This product does not have exact competition in its category. There are other big titles around but nothing quite the same. After all this time, this game, this "DayZ" deserves to get even better. It deserves some real attention from its owner. Unless... Unless people behind it are blind - This product is a money maker. It just needs some love and care... Killing that would be FOX-level foolishness. Currently the most annoying issues in "DayZ", except for cars since there is a dedicated topic just for that. - Stairs are not treated like a special form of passage. Our avatars are running on them without any change in pace. Some of the stairs are very annoying to use because of that - stairs in a shipwreck (Rify) are the perfect example of that problem. Avatar is not using steps but rather glide on them which can lead to injuries. Even walking on them feels bad. - Certain doors are very tricky to use. Small activators are the problem - the options are flickering because their range is too limited. Front door of a gas station's booth is the prime example. - Fishing in the sea was broken quite a few updates ago. It's the problem with the waves. Avatar start fishing (even when standing in a water) and the process is immediately stopped because of water's movement (or at least one of its layers). It's a waste of time in most cases - player is forced to start fishing again and again and again. - Digging for worms can also be interrupted. It's usually happens with the first try. Haven't found the reason for it. It just happens. Process works when initiated the second time. - Inventory menu may become completely unresponsive when player's avatar falls from certain height when carrying big objects. It can be fixed by falling again, jumping in place or by relogging. Quite peculiar this one. - Containers can inherit the weight of the previously stored items. Let's say our avatar carried a lot of planks in their backpack. The backpack was left behind and later on the planks were removed. The problem is that the backpack may 'remember' the weight of the planks and even when its empty its overall weight shows and feels otherwise. The only way to fix that is to relog with glitched yet emptied container. It may have something to do with cache and resetting it. - Jumpy behaviour when avatar is close to any edges - even tree roots. It feels like avatar is being shoved away or deliberately jump by itself. When mixed with sprinting it can lead to broken bones or even death. Very dangerous bug, especially when moving on rocky mountains. - Light issues. Artificial light is flickering through walls, terrain... It disappears when zoomed on it and it's filled with weird artifacts. Dynamic shadows are just semi-transparent textures glued to the edges of objects. People are usually not using sources of light because they're scared of being targeted. This problem will never cease to exist if it's glitched that badly. Can see a flare from mile away (which is good..) when its located in a building with no windows or anything of this sort (which sucks). - Sounds of opening doors are too loud (especially builded ones). Players can hear that from great distance. They can even count from afar how many gates people have in their bases without the need of getting close. There should be a mechanic based on a circle (like eating/drinking/fixing stuff) for opening doors. The longer activator is being pressed the quiter the sound is. Also the speed of opening should be regulated by avatar's movement - so if one sprints to the door it burst open with a bang. Great possibility to rig all that to the NPCs detection system. Loud movement alerts them but default door banging isn't? That's quite weird. - Sounds of footsteps are definitely too loud. Have we grown additional pair of ears on our feet? It certainly feels that way. - Clangorous weapon sounds when carrying them are completely out of place. People can discern each other through the walls simply because of such sounds. There is no element of surprise at all thanks to that. And this is going since the very beginning of this game. - There are times when melee weapons seems weaker than fists. Let's go with this example: Player A hits player B with a hatchet a few times. Yet Player B knocks player A out with only his fists. Because he managed to jam more hits in. It's not a joke being assulted with a knife - not to mention by a hatchet. Yet broken bones and heavy bleeding seems like a distant scenario. People should be scared of taking on others when they can only punch... And yet. The most dangerous individuals in the game are still fresh spawns - they have nothing to lose and their fists are no joke. Fists can even defeat fully armed players... - Simply because our avatars rise their weapons when there is something right in front of them. This is one of the saddest inventions that was implemented into the game ever. Windows, corners and players - all these things are turning gunplay into a joke. I understand that turning off rising mechanic will lead to a glitching through models - it happened in the past. But what about draging weapon away animation? Player drags away his weapon a bit but it is still aimed and it's not going through walls at the same time. Overall it gives more tactical feeling and is a lot safer then looking for "better angles". - Infected are not stumbling enough after being hit by heavier/bulkier melee weapons. Their aggressiveness is obvious and it's quite scary to fight against entities that're not afraid of pain or dying. But their way of constant attacking while being pummeled by heavy melee is something else. There is also a great need for collapsing animation. After being hit by a sledgehammer infected could tumble over. This would give enough time to finish the fight or even to escape. - Also it seems that stumbling multiple enemies at once happens a lot less nowdays. If an enemy is sent flying by a power attack, the ones behind him should also be stopped and not just glitch through. That way fighthing off multiple enemies after blocking them would be a possibility. - NPCs almost cannot be persuaded down from roof/ledges. I've seen multiple times a situation when they were stopped from falling by.. something. Like there was some convenient invisible wall placed in a last second for them. I've also seen quite a few times that falling damage is not applied to them. Wolves and Bears are prime examples; They're so fast that can easily glitch into any roof and then fall back/teleport without losing their health. Leaving aggroed wolf on a roof is equal with being backstabbed by it later on. - There is no way to let go of a ladder on demand. Player can either climb it to the end or relog. There are times and places where ability to let go would be very useful or the only way out. I've seen multiple reports of people who were stuck on ladders. Usually it means that some modder messed up the building placement but still it's weird to be glued without any sensible option. - Bare foot bleeding does not hold much water. There are people out there in the world that are living without shoes and are usually not dying from the loss of blood. And here in a game our avatar starts bleeding regardless of place. Razor blades hidden everywhere it seems which is also a mistake. - Avatar's grunting/yowling when jumping, swinging or climbing is completely unnecessary. Too arcade, too annoying and too naive in an environment where potentially any sound could alert a group of fearless infected maniacs. - Right now KOS-type of players consider infected as nuisance and a way to determine the location of other survivors. Infected currently only assist. The killing is mostly done by other NPCs or by players. The "Z" in the title and yet the terror of "zombies" was subdued this much. I can understand it is to alleviate certain limits of this game overall, especially ping related. But still infected should not be such pushovers. Their hearing should be better if it comes to environment at the very least. If not deadly then more annoying. These things must become dangerous and not just a shortcut for stalking purposes. - Humanoid NPCs can see through walls and entire levels when in aggro. It's very disturbing how can they tell where exactly is their target. If their victim's hiding in a building, they will always move to the nearest possible place. If a player "sees" other player through walls and knows exact location without actually seeing or hearing, then we call that cheating. So how is it that NPCs are legal cheaters? In fact infected are behaving like turrets. Mobile turrets activated via motion detection, certain sounds and limited ESP called "smell". This ESP is further enhanced when aggro happens. Infected can't barge through locked doors - for obvious technical reasons - can't jump through windows but still they're too much of a detective. Their behaviour is giving information to other players around. - And finally the last but the biggest mistake of them all. How is it that this game recognizes the time of the year and simulates basic weather conditions, but fail to represent that visually? Without that one feature "DayZ" becomes a victim of amateurish season mods - not to mention that it's getting boring to see the same place in the same state over and over again. The biggest rival on the market - "Rust" have figured out the problem of seasons long time ago. But their vision is silly. "DayZ" could have something that nobody else has. Realistic change of seasons through and through. And that means more money for the studio. It would be impossible to not buy a product developed that much. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DefectiveWater 542 Posted November 22, 2021 (edited) 3 hours ago, nemorus said: Avatar's grunting/yowling when jumping, swinging or climbing is completely unnecessary. Too arcade, too annoying and too naive in an environment where potentially any sound could alert a group of fearless infected maniacs. Yeah this is one of my pet peeves too, I'm trying to sneak around, wear quietest footwear, and then I go to jump over a small fence and my character is like: "HUgh uh". Everything else I agree with close to 100% or entirely 100%. I don't agree with this though: Quote Right now KOS-type of players consider infected as nuisance and a way to determine the location of other survivors. Infected currently only assist. The killing is mostly done by other NPCs or by players. The "Z" in the title and yet the terror of "zombies" was subdued this much. I can understand it is to alleviate certain limits of this game overall, especially ping related. But still infected should not be such pushovers. Their hearing should be better if it comes to environment at the very least. If not deadly then more annoying. These things must become dangerous and not just a shortcut for stalking purposes. Infected as of right now are really good when it comes to balance. I still HATE that they can make me bleed somehow magically. I would honestly prefer if they dealt more damage but no bleeding at all. Edited November 22, 2021 by DefectiveWater Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nemorus 278 Posted December 1, 2021 (edited) - Blocking mechanic is kind of overpowered right now. So we can block an entire wave of infected when their attack is coming in ~straight line? The only limit is basically stamina. I think that this does not make much sense. Attacker cannot hurt or knock out its target. But what about bleeding? About possibility of fractures? These things should happen - the more enemies the bigger the chance. Also, right now there is a pattern. Common infected always attack twice and creates a window for counterattack right after that. So it's always: block two fast attacks and counterattack. - Infected cannot hurt each other - even by mistake. I have a movie where bunch of infected caught aggro on different group of infected. They were all pummeling each other for no damage at all. Attacker never connected with their target. It's too weird. Mistakes happen even among NPCs but cannot be used against them simply because everything is rigged only for one scenario: only players can be hurt. - There is a problem with running on stairs/railings. Avatar can temporarly suspend itself in the air or glide on walls - all that while waving its hands like when it falls from greater heights. It usually ends with a loss of health. - Shooting gallery on wheels have its own ambient - which is simply too much. Too loud for example. - For some odd reason the player can punch forever - even without any stamina left. At the very least he/she should be a bit slower when that happens. - Silent killing animation is not working as intened if ping is an issue or if NPC detection value is set slightly higher. Animation itself isn't accurate at all. - Cannot lock up wolves or bears for these NPCs will teleport outside of their confinement as soon as player leave vicinity. And since aggro does not disappear in this case it ends with a certain backstab. - Bulletproof leaves/hedges/branches/greenery are still a thing. Some of the them can even stop .308 bullets... - When building watchtower one must mind that there are gaps beneath every wall. On levels two and three these gaps can be dangerous because it's easy to be seen and shot through. Also, there should an option to build walls next to the stairs. It's just a common sense to have them there. - The map is plagued with trees suspended in a thin air or close to that state. As a gardner i'm finding that very peculiar. - Police car event have a problem with cleaning itself. I've seen over the years on many different servers same scenario: police car spawns, then despawns but the items from it are still there. - Very glitchy-like bug affects edges and leaning. Right angle next to building's corners, walls or windows can remove every object in sight except from ground textures and actors. - Problem with "scanning" vanilla buildings when logging to the game. It's usually happening for players with hard disks drives and older CPUs. Basically it's a cheat which helps in detecting players and loot in their bases. - When server resets and players are logging in they can see that some of the doors in vicinity are opening by themselves. It's nothing alarming. Problem is that people can also occasionally see doors opening by themselves while they're playing. It's happening even when jogging around. - Combilocks can click by themselves when players are getting close to them. Combilocks can also click by themselves from inventory after being removed from gates. - Gates/Barbwire can also make noises when someone is getting close to them. - Loaded SKS have a problem with its model - there's a bullet hanging in a air. Also its quickloader disappeared from the game for no reason, years ago. - [suggestion] To do something about exchanging items. Right now we have this very crude method of dropping items on a floor. From food, through medicine to anything else. It feels cheap. The only different way is through force. - [suggestion] A very good and small mod gives an option for precise item arranging in the world. Can finally put that can on a table without the need of stepping on it. Edited December 2, 2021 by nemorus issues 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nemorus 278 Posted January 12, 2022 - Opening/closing doors animations are absolute. When that happens it doesn't matter whats in the way - every standing npc in the range will be moved by force. In case of cars it will be even more severe problem - it's easy to ruin perfectly good vehicle simply because doors MUST open/close at all costs. - CementWorks_MillB doors have no sound files at all. And these doors are massive... - Barn_Brick2 spawns items in it's floor, making it impossible to pick them up. - Barn_Brick2's attic lacks collision and is unusable because of that. - Shed_Closed attic has too big collision field. Basically invisible wall in space between archs. - There is still an issue with bodies clipping through walls or teleporting between levels when dying. Especially npcs can be elevated when dying near any wall/obstacle. - Hitting npc/player generates blood cloud effect. During the night (especially on darker setting) mentioned effect is so bright that it looks like sparks. Can be seen from mile away. - Construction kits should be transfered exactly where builder is standing after construction is initiated (logs installed). That way mentioned kits won't be gliching inside walls/obstacles like they usually do. - There are times when eating food gives nothing. Player must relog to fix that problem with displaying data. - Waterproof items should be waterproof, especially military grade clothing. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristan Cooper 12 Posted January 12, 2022 This is basically suggesting DayZ 2.0 I like these ideas, especially the dynamic door sounds. Roof zombies are funny, but pretty much screw you over every time. I disagree with zombies being unbalanced. They’re meant to be easy one on one, but that scream is meant to make it eight on one. Zombies shouldn’t cause so much bleeding. I think shoes are they way they are for balancing. Maybe reduce bleed chance for both of these? This is a lot of reworking. And I’m no game dev so correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think DayZ’s game engine supports lighting very well. I’m sure there are work around for those bugs though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Zod 1118 Posted January 12, 2022 I know this is a serious post, but there is so many memes I could post to describe devs reaction to reading 3 long posts pointing out probably still not even close to a complete list of what's wrong with this game. On that note, you can't shoot out of the broken windows on top of the fire fighter tower. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Homeschooliazon 87 Posted January 12, 2022 The grunt sound when you jump can be replaced with a nice noise of your gear rattling from the force of the jump and an impact sound when you land on the floor again. This way its not as obvious that someone just jumped/climbed, so you cant ask in discord: Hey did any of you just jump? no? ok there is another player here. Also you can't instantly tell then what or who just jumped/climbed. If you just hear some clothes rattling and something landing on its feet you won't instantly know wether it was a female, male zombie OR player. Right now I can instantly tell when i hear that distinct grunt if it was a survivor or a zombie climbing nearby and even what gender and even WHAT CHARACTER MODEL it was. Ok guys I just heard a female character climb that has the darker of the two female voices, nobody in our call online right now plays as one of those. ATAACK!!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DefectiveWater 542 Posted January 12, 2022 (edited) I think you would have more chances of these things getting fixed if you made bug tickets for each and every category. Great list of issues though, hopefully devs see this. Edited January 12, 2022 by DefectiveWater Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Zod 1118 Posted January 15, 2022 Am I the only one under the impression that this place is a ghost town when it comes to a presence of mods and devs ? We have two posts advertising porn for few days now and nothing happened. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristan Cooper 12 Posted January 15, 2022 Haha yeah Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shift 25 Posted January 26, 2022 I dont know if devs know about it but there's a bug with the portable gas stove, when you attach a pan or pot to it and put the whole thing into a shelter or into the drybag backpack and bury it, after some time the pot/pan separates from the stove and escapes the container that it was in, so it looks like someone just dropped a pot/pan on a pile of dirt or in a shelter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites