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Blue vs. Red: Swans Island PVP | NA East

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Blue vs. Red: Swans Island PVP | NA East

Discord: https://discord.gg/pVqPMmK3fP


When you first emerge on the map, you'll find yourself on either the Blue team or the Red team as identified by your armband.  It is up to you how you proceed, however.  If you encounter a player with the same color armband, you can do one of three things:  You can ignore them and move on.  You can talk to them and potentially team up.  You can also kill them if you want.  The idea though, like the title suggests, is that it's the Blue team versus the Red team, so you will not get credit for any "friendly fire" kills.  If you're on the Blue team, kill the Red team players and vice versa.

You'll find a consumables vendor in North Haven.  Head there when you first spawn to get what you want for your energy, hydration and medical requirements.  You will spawn with one random weapon and ammo on you, but there's guns-a-plenty spread across the map.  There will also be regular air drops, delivering a variety of things, including weapons that sometimes will be one Gauss rifle.  The air drop will deliver only the rifle itself, you'll have to loot to find the ammo and attachments for it.

If you get killed and respawn, you may wind up on the opposite team that you were just on.  The server operates on a 24-hour cycle that constitutes a single day (starting and ending at 4:00am ET).  The server restarts every 4 hours (4:00am, 8:00am, Noon, 4:00pm, 8:00pm and Midnight -- all times Eastern).  On that 4:00am restart however, a new server "day" begins.  The kill stats for the previous day are saved and then the server is completely wiped, excluding any active players.  Server time and weather conditions are shuffled every day, so even though you might be playing at the same time each day, the conditions on the server will never be the same from day to day.  For daytime on the server, the clock ticks in real time.  From server sundown to sunup however, time is accelerated at a 6x rate, so a full night lasts less than 2 hours.

Information related to Individual Player Stats and Monthly Leaders can be found on our Discord server (see invite link above).

It's a bunch of people with weapons on a small map.  Sounds like a good time to me!  See you on Swans Island!


  • Physical Location: North America East
  • 30-slot 1PP server
  • The server has dynamically-generated init.c files, resulting in different spawns, weather and server times every day
  • There are 3 traders on the map -- you must seek them out to buy and sell goods from them
  • The elevated price of the Gauss rifle is intentional as it will appear randomly in certain air drops, so they can be sold, but not intended to be purchased at the weapons vendor


  • Airdrop-Upgraded  (used to deliver air supplies across the map)
  • DabsFramework  (a requirement for the Gauss Rifle)
  • GRW ER7 Gauss Rifle  (a powerful rifle that will occasionally be delivered to the area by air supply drops -- its accessories must be looted)
  • Intenz-Leaderboard  (used to collect JSON data for player information related to kills and deaths)
  • KillFeed  (used to announce player kills on screen)
  • OFG_Money_Euro  (adds the Euro as main currency on the server)
  • SkyZ - Skybox Overhaul  (an updated sky environment)
  • SwansIsland  (the map itself)
  • Trader  (used to position vendors throughout the map that the players must find, offering various goods to buy from or sell to)


  • Avoid friendly-fire kills.  They are not counted for leaderboard purposes and if you're caught killing your "armband brothers and sisters" excessively, you will be banned from the server.

The point of the PVP on this server is for one "team" to conquer the other.  Blue team versus Red team.  So, if your armband is blue, you're on the Blue team, so loot up and kill as many players with red armbands on as you can.  The same goes the other way around -- if your armband is red, you're trying to take down as many blue armbands as possible.


  • Filter on "Blue vs. Red" or by choosing SwansIsland as the map to find the server
  • IP:Port info is:
  • Discord: https://discord.gg/pVqPMmK3fP


See you on the island!

Edited by drgullen
updated info

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Since vehicles in 1.15 are still misbehaving a lot of the time, I have gone in a different direction with this server, so the OP has been modified.

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