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Gunfight on US121

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We were seven strong. We had conducted a long range patrol in the north searching for campsites. On our way back through Krasnostav, our scout sniper reported a fresh helicopter crash. We hoofed it to his location, and saw the crash site. Setting up a line about 150m from it, we began engaging the Zeds. After a few spawn waves it was clear. We moved in to search the crash and found a few nice things, including a Mk48 7.62 LMG.

As we were sorting our gear for the return trip, someone called out "Car!" Sure enough, a gray sedan pulled up 80m or so east of us. Without hesitation, we all proned out and opened fire. Two LMGs and five rifles all threw out a curtain of lead. They dismounted but it was too late. I don't think they even managed any return fire. We moved in and observed four corpses that were decently geared. After taking what we could and repairing the car, we moved out.

Later on our camp was hit and completely cleaned out. Now we rebuild.

This is the game.

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Wish stuff like this would happen to us. Need some competition to stir things up.

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This is the game.

Yep. Had our cars with loot stolen. Lost pack of AS50s, Bizons, NVGs and so on... Now we are more cautious and paranoia is not a joke to us anymore.

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Such is life in DayZ.. The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away haha.

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