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Violent DayZ Server

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I would like to invite you on brand new server that just came from Alpha and is now in Beta!

Map = Chernarus

Region = EU

Platform = PC

Server's name is Violent DayZ as you could saw from a title, server offers bunch of mods for example ->

1. FUN AND UTILITY= BBPlus  CF, Helicopters, Armored Vehicle Pack, Volkswagen Golf , CPBWeapons + AdvancedWeaponScopes,  BaseBuildingPlus, BuilderItems, C4 and Breaching charges and MORE!
2. QUALITY OF LIFE =Trader, Vending Machine, Banking, No-Vehicle-Damage, SimpleAutorun, dbo\_surfaces, Ear-Plugs, InventoryPlus, Code Lock, KillFeed, Notifications, BasicSpawnSelect, VanillaPlusPlusMap, Summer\_Chernarus, Airdrop-Upgraded and they keep on adding more mods!


A moded server that is aiming to find a balance between realism and fun. 
Most of our mods aim to improve the quality of life aspect and alleviate the frustration we're all familiar with in DayZ. But we also have a bunch that brings a lot of diversity and engagement to our servers!

Main themes of our server are PvP & Raiding. 
Active Staff that actually listens to its community, and allows you, the player, shape the server to your liking by taking the most important decisions via polls and votes by everyone in our community!

Some rules, rest of it can be found on our discord!



Ar Stealing vehicles or items out of the Trader zones is FORBIDDEN! Do not leave your vehicle at the trader or it will get deleted!
ArrowRed Do not spam/troll your microphone within safe-zones!


Loot cycling is NOT ALLOWED! Anyone caught doing it will be given a warning followed by a ban!
No combat logging! (You must stay online for at least 10 minutes once engaged in combat)
No meta-gaming! (i.e. disclosing in global chat various positions to gain an advantage from the chaos created)
Use vehciles AT YOUR OWN RISK. We do offer support for broken vehciles ONLY if evidence is provieded that it was a server issue, and it wasn't your fault. (i.e. driving 100km/h off road, or when server population is higher than 45!)
DO NOT leave your vehicle at the trader for extended periods of time, otherwise it will get deleted with no compensation!

If you would like to give it a try, here is IP plus Discord server so that you could ask or just have a nice talk with admins or players as well !

Discord IP: https://discord.gg/NhAuUEPTtV

Good hunting!

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57 minutes ago, craftmencz said:

No combat logging! (You must stay online for at least 10 minutes once engaged in combat)

Just out of curiosity, how do you enforce this?  What if I'm about to log off, because I have to go to work, but someone starts shooting at me?  Should I quit my job, or real life responsibilities, so I don't get banned?  Who starts the 10 minute countdown?  How close do you have to be to the combat?  Do you have to actually get hit to be considered in-combat?

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