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That feel when...

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You put five AK rounds into the torso of somebody while they are looking to the side and as they begin turning you step around the corner, only to be one hit K.O'd through the wall due to lag and have them survive long enough to finish you off.

Run a long distance being careful to avoid survivors. First one you find close quarters blows half a magazine on you despite saying over the mic that you are unarmed and have no intentions of hurting them.

Finally reach the outskirts of a town only to take a rifle round to the chest and die.

Avoiding an obvious trap only to walk face first into the sights of a sniper on your alternative route.

A zombie breaks your leg with only a single hit.

The first time you are hit by a zombie you begin bleeding profusely but cannot bandage it due to the impending horde.

You finally find a good weapon only to be killed by somebody spawning in the building out of sight.

You are close to another armed player. Having nothing, you reach to a nearby gun or corpse with a gun and pick it up, but your character refuses to actually pick the gun up without going through a 10 second animation process which cannot be stopped. Then being shot because your character lacks coordination.

Breaking a bone and having to crawl a large distance, only to get shot the moment you find morphine.

Zombies pulling through multiple layers of 'cover' (walls) despite your slow and quiet movement.

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Inb4 "crai moar"

But yeah, sometimes life in the Zed world can be shit. I'm sure we can all attest to that.

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Inb4 "crai moar"

But yeah' date=' sometimes life in the Zed world can be shit. I'm sure we can all attest to that.


Of course.

Post some things that make you face palm!

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