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ZinMas 101

Disgusting 2

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9 minutes ago, Parazight said:

That's the problem.  You're only giving opinions.  Most of what you're saying is pretty subjective, actually.  Besides, what you're arguing for (parity from alpha) has no grounds for return.  The disclaimer in Alpha clearly stated that bad design decisions were a part of Early Access.  All of the things that people want back into the game neatly fall under 'discarded design decisions'.   

When does 'Disgusting 3' come out?

Yep.. subjetive... 🤣🤣

Flying cars are subjetives

Damage system is subjetive

Illumination is subjetive...

Infectes are subjetive..

lack of content is subjetive...

Yep, everything is subjetive after 10 years... 😂 I give up for now... probably I will come back in some months with "Disgusting 3"


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