jf2500hd 1 Posted July 1, 2021 This is my expierience on Tegridy Farms. My friends joined the server on Friday june 25th and immediatly loved the difficulty of it. They told me I needed to joined but because of weekend (honey-do's) i had to wait till Sunday the 27th to finally download the mods and log in. I noticed that you could donate to the server for special loadouts and because im the one in groups that had no abilities at gaming like my friends I decided to donate $30 for (gauess cannon,m134 mini gun, 500k,ammo,special admin gear,light saber..etc..etc) they have numerous tiers that get you different stuff. For me it was a easy decision because i really just play to hang out with buddies and kill stuff. Immediatly the admins showed up upon me logging in and i was treated like a "VIP". for the entire day i played and had fun and we had a few base issues and the admins (zodiac) helped us out completely and was very nice. After sunday my friend was out of town and i logged in Monday and Tuesday to raise the flag and then i logged out. That takes us to Wednesday 6/30........I logged in around 4-5pm with my friend Xlucier and a short time later my friend TxBeastmode logged in and we decided to head to the seaside trader. We arrived there and bought a few items and there was a player(I think his name was WIMPY) there that needed a ride so we ran him up by devils castle where his base was. after we dropped him off my friends wanted to run up to Tisy to loot and i tagged along to kill everything for them. Txbeastmode had a WARZONE tournament at 7pm so they said after they loot we would log off there and when he was done he would message us and we would log in to drive back to base. when we arrived we was attacked by a wolf pack so we killed them and xlucier skinned everything and they ran into the base. I had to make dinner for my kids so i stood on top of our blazer while they looted and when i was done cooking and came back to my computer xlucier said "txbeastmode logged out for his tournament lets log out in this shed. we went into the shed and logged out. Around 8:30 i recieved a text from Txbeastmode that hes getting on so i logged in also. i waited for him to run to me because he was 300-350 meters away and when he arrived i came out of the shed and we both noticed our blazer that was locked was gone. txbeastmode was like"WTF!" i said no biggie ill get a admin. i posted "is there a admin available?" and somebody immediatly responded saying "OMW". As soon as he showed up me and txbeastmode was BANNED! txbeastmode posted in thier discord and he was banned from there. I logged back into the game (I dont know how) and asked why txbeastmode was banned (no answer). I went into thier discord (chenarus 4) then i posted in thier game chat that I was in there could I speak to a admin (no answer) then all of a sudden i was banned from discord a few minutes later i was killed in the spot i was standing and i respawned and asked "is this how you treat people? especially somebody that donated?" (no answer) i was killed again. I respawed again and the server was minutes away from resetting so i waited and when the server reset i was "PERMANTLY BANNED". we called our friend xlucier and he logged in and asked in game chat to speak to a admin and the response was "tell your buddies we dont tolerate loot cycling" and banned xlucier. xlucier posted in thier discord "why was i banned and how do i get unbanned?"after a long wait he was banned from discord. The entire time i was on that server i picked up 1 ITEM AND IT WAS A CANTEEN FROM A PICKNIC TABLE IN FRONT OF OUR BASE.....THATS IT! ZODIAC was the one that banned us and I challenge him to prove my statement otherwise (HE CANT). If he had any proof txbeastmode or xlucier loot cycled (they both claim they had everything in thier bags) then show them the proof and im fine with him trying to take care of the problem but this is NOT the way to do it. 1: They reset the server every 60 days (everything is gone including money) so donators have to donate again to retain the items/bases/money making it a pay to win / pay to play type atmosphere and they pay special attention to that. 2: Your donating to R@#$%t B%$$#r via "paypal friends and family" so if they do this to you you have ZERO recourse (BEWARE). 3: I believe some of the items CANNOT be purchased or looted anywhere. (to be honest i have no problem with this but i was wronged so im outing them lol) I believe in following rules and have no problem with it. if he teleported over and said "Hey bud! your friends was loot cycling and heres the proof and its a automatic ban" although i wouldnt like it and would try to defend them i would just leave the server and go play with my buddies elsewhere. Thats not what happened so here I am. I challenge ZODIAC or any admin to prove I broke any rule on that server!!!! {TXB}EternalFade After some digging and searching i think I found him on facebook. If this person is really him and I verify it I actually have some recourse because of the state he lives in. I know it sounds petty but i dont really care after this debacle. NOTE: For me $30 is easy to pay and I would have donated every month. What if it was a young kid that works minimum wage at Mcdonalds that was excited to get something on this server and he did nothing wrong (like my son) this is alot of money for them. CODEWORD: Paintball 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted July 2, 2021 Wow. What a post. You’d think that buying weapons from the server admins would be against terms of service. Doesn’t sound that great of a server, to be honest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites