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super pretendo

This game feels neutered.

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I climbed to the top of a castle, and I see mostly just pure gray.

This view distance garbage just needs to be fixed.

Inb4 insane fanboys try to claim you can never see more than 500 meters in real life somehow

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Weird..i see for miles..and miles...and miles. Check your settings maybe..View distance in advanced options ? Mine is at 10000 , itdoes not impact my performance so i have it cranked.

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I'll just assume you have your view distance cranked up in the video options?

I have it set to 3000 meters and I can see much further than I will ever need to (from hilltop to hilltop and beyond) from the ground but I believe it goes up to 10000.

Did I fail to notice that it has been locked on a lower value or something?

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I can also see for many miles - check settings as mentioned above...

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DayZ is capped at 4000. Go to Devils castle, climb the tower and look around. Then back out and edit a map. Place a player down there and look again. Youl see the difference :)

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I've heard that view distance on DayZ is locked down to 500m and was changed to 1000m. Don't quote me on that though but I do know that adjusting it locally will have no effect after the server defined view distance.

There are servers that seem to using 500m and some that seem to use 1000m, it's random. It could be fog also, not sure. Take a screenshot give us something to look at.

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It's a serverside setting, as well as being dependent upon weather. If people with high-end rigs got to have 10000 view distance, that would break the game.

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Might as well decrank mine to 4000 then :D

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Well if you are like me and have the free version of Arma 2 it will be like that. The graphics at least, I know this because I have my settings on the highest they can go. But I have seen videos where they have the same graphics card as myself and have better looking environments. This is because they have Arma 2 the full game.

Now if you have the full game it will be your GPU, unless you had Arma 2 free in which you need to fully uninstall that.

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It looks like you were right op.

I just checked it and the distance is indeed locked in Dayz.

When I move the slider in regular ARMA 2 you see the distance change on the fly and now it doesn't do anything.

1000m to 2500m looks about right and after that hings fade away in the fog.

Plenty of distance for fancy sniper shots but it could be a bit more.

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It seems to be 500 right now. Needs to be fixed, really. Nerfs anything dynamic or sandboxy about dayz. The helicopter should be able to havea wide scouting range

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the view distance cap is for server performance. The higher the draw distance server side, the lower the server FPS will be. with a low server FPS you see things like rubberbanding, hitreg detection errors, and just all sorts of bad juju. The current view distance is a balance of immersion vs performance.

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View distant is locked on most servers at a certain number due to balance issues vs better computers. It's a large advantage to be able to play at 4000 view distance when someone with a bad computer can only do 700.

Fair is fair.

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n...no... ruining the immersion an atmosphere because of your arbitrary definition of fair is not fair. In any way shape or form. This is an invalid argument. The entire game should not be locked down and built around players that do not meet the minimum specs for Arma 2.

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If he didn't meet minimum specs, he wouldn't be complaining about view distance. He'd be asking what upgrades would be good for his rig.

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n...no... ruining the immersion an atmosphere because of your arbitrary definition of fair is not fair. In any way shape or form. This is an invalid argument. The entire game should not be locked down and built around players that do not meet the minimum specs for Arma 2.

Find me a game that allows the user to use HIGHER settings to give an advantage of any sort against other players. I can name about 10 that used lower settings, never higher.

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n...no... ruining the immersion an atmosphere because of your arbitrary definition of fair is not fair. In any way shape or form. This is an invalid argument. The entire game should not be locked down and built around players that do not meet the minimum specs for Arma 2.

I Just read your guide, Its valuable. But currently its not just Arma 2 its mostly the mod as you know so leave it alone. (the situation not the mod)

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Weird..i see for miles..and miles...and miles. Check your settings maybe..View distance in advanced options ? Mine is at 10000 ' date=' itdoes not impact my performance so i have it cranked.


lol noob dayz overrides your view distance. i guarantee 10,000 on chernarus would crash your game

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which servers are those? Nobody seems to be able to single them out

On Seattle 127 I can see literally all of Elektro from the biggest hill that overlooks it. I'd guess that's a little over 1km.

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