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My friends and I found a helicopter and flew it around for a bit we found another team in a UAZ who had the heli in the first place. 10 minutes later the server is down for an hour comes back up. the heli is gone, we look around for a bit the server goes back down. one person Ryan McKay was in it and my friends join and ask why the server is down in side chat, and were immediately kicked.

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You sure this was US 22? I am the only person that has been able to restart the server, our server is less than a month old (only the oldest servers have helicopters that are actually able to be flown, the rest like mine just have crashed versions), and Ryan McKay is a new name to me, but he doesn't have admin access at all. Also, our server was down for quite awhile the past 3 days, as was our teamspeak, for issues outside of my control (host issues).

In addition, the server auto-restarts itself every 12 hours, I am thinking you just jumped to a bad conclusion!

Again, please verify this was US 22 and I will try to check it out, but again I have been the only one with access to reboot the server aside from the hosting company, and I know that I didn't even log on yesterday. I am on the east coast and just recently regained my power from the storm, haven't managed to get time to play DayZ for even 1 minute so far since the 29th (when the storm hit). Today I have brought in 2 players to be allowed to reboot the server when I am not around (future power outages etc), these players are xfMike and Phobix. Before today no one but me could!

Either way, please provide more information, my server is hosted by a DayZ dev, if you have anything solid I will get it checked out, thank you!

***EDIT*** You have the wrong server accused sir, I just noticed you said you were in side chat and kicked. My server, US 22, does not even have side chat enabled and it has never been enabled on this server for even 1 second. Also, no player has ever been kicked from US 22 at any time since it was opened, so yeah wrong server, please edit your thread and post accordingly as this is quite annoying to me as the server owner that you would so plainly accuse a completely wrong and innocent server for something you experienced elsewhere!

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Yeah I can vouch for roalith. I just started playing on US 22.... there is no side chat, none of the clan members hack/dupe/exploit, (In fact we are the ones getting killed by people spawning in helis etc)

You got the wrong server mate. This is by far my favorite server, it doesn't deserve this reputation!

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Ive just shot down a Helicopter on US22 full of EoS guys... plus, 2 days ago me and DanTheBandit had our own helicopter on US22 which as dan mentioned, after we found it, server went down and when it was back up, everything was gone and yes we did save it.

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Sorry I ment Global chat' date=' while in the starting lobby.


And when did this happen?

First off:

1) You can be kicked from games and it doesn't necessarily mean the admin did it (I've been insta-kicked before, or after 10 minutes for no reason)

2) The server hasn't even been online for the past 2 days (and if it has, only for short periods of time)

Ive just shot down a Helicopter on US22 full of EoS guys... plus' date=' 2 days ago me and DanTheBandit had our own helicopter on US22 which as dan mentioned, after we found it, server went down and when it was back up, everything was gone and yes we did save it.


Dude, I don't think you realize our server recently has been getting lots of russian users who hack in helis. You even say yourself that you had your own helicopter. If the server does restart they SHOULD be gone. It shouldn't be there in the first place.

You either hacked it in yourself or found it from someone else who hacked it in, stop assuming things and blaming people.

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Dude, I don't think you realize our server recently has been getting lots of russian users who hack in helis. You even say yourself that you had your own helicopter. If the server does restart they SHOULD be gone. It shouldn't be there in the first place.

You either hacked it in yourself or found it from someone else who hacked it in, stop assuming things and blaming people.

The helicopter me and Dan FOUND was west of Myshkino. It was in perfect condition with a full fuel tank. We flew it away to our spot and saved it. We then used it to have a fly around and we encountered some guys in a UAZ driving towards the original spot at Myshkino. We shot them down and took out the UAZ. We go back and land the heli at our spot. Server goes down, comes back up hours later, Heli gone.

Also as I mentioned, about 1 hour ago I shot down a Heli outside of cherno with 2 or 3 EoS guys in. Im not accusing anyone its just weird that there is active helis on the server and people are saying that this server isnt capable of having helis for it being too young or something? Maybe your right and it was removed because it was hacked in.. idk. Just seemed fishy from our side.

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Feel free to pm Razor49 on IRC (DayZ dev). He is our host and he has full access to all of our logs of course. Funny how you say that you just shot down a heli full of EoS players, when I only know of 2 EoS players even logging into the server today and playing.

Our server and teamspeak are both 100% completely offline right now due to DDoS, again get in touch with Razor on the official DayZ IRC and ask him about US 22.

If the server does indeed have a heli on it that is able to fly, it is a hacker, not an admin spawning it. Please see the stickied thread that shows what admins are and are not able to actually do.

Also, which EoS users do you claim the helicopter were full of and do you have footage or screenshots? I didn't see anything in the logs when I checked from earlier, and the server, control panel, and teamspeak are all down now from DDoS.

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Also, which EoS users do you claim the helicopter were full of and do you have footage or screenshots

Okay now your asking, hmmm. Phobix that name rings a bell. I think there was only 2 of them. and some other guy who was untagged. It was north of cherno, I shot them down with an AS50. went to loot the bodies, found a guy in a ghillie suit with a coyote backpack and an m4a1 cco sd. Unfortuantely no screenshots but if you speak with these guys im sure they will remember lol :)

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Without proof or anything in the logs this is 100% pointless. I only know of one person that was in EoS that was mixed up in stuff like that. He could be currently griefing the server with hacks and DDoS but only time will tell.

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Well you know of 2 people who played on US22 today.. And I shot down 2 EoS members in a heli. message these guys and ask them.

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You previously said it was a heli "full" of EoS members. I was in teamspeak with the 2 EoS members even though I wasn't in-game. They were on fresh spawns exploring and fighting in Cherno before the server was attacked and went offline.

Otherwise, I will assume that you yourself are hacking stuff in, and that you and your friend(s) started DDoSing us for whatever reason. Because these accusations are kind of out of the blue, and it is odd how much downtime we have had to deal with since this thread was started.

I am assuming from what you have said on my website that you've chosen to grow bored of this and move on to another server. Good luck in your travels, you can stop griefing us now (kind of pointless anyway since host gave us a brand new TS3 with a private ip on a new box, and we're on a different server now).

Good luck in your travels!

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According to Ander' date=' there should be NO legit flying helicopters in game.



Indeed, our server doesn't have choppers by default and admins cannot spawn them. The only way to get them is for someone to have hacked them in. A DayZ developer is already on the case with this issue and I promise one thing, my admins and I have not spawned any or condoned this corruption spoken of. Minor inconvenience, got a new teamspeak now since it was attacked and a brand new server (shame that we have to resort to keeping server and teamspeak info so private to prevent children from attacking them.

Anyway, no sense in bumping this and fueling the flames for more motivation to keep them trying to grief us, I am pretty sure of what has happened and which people will have action taken against them (hint, again, not the admin team of the server).

Good day to all, done wasting my saturday on false claims that have no proof. You guys griefing and DDoSing have caused a server admin and a DayZ dev to give up hours of their weekend dealing with this between migrating everything over for a fresh start and getting someone for log confirmation for a few upcoming GUID bans to happen for the individuals (not EoS admins) that spawned said choppers...Funny how a few players push their luck and hack stuff in when they know the server admin had been without electricity since the 29th due to the storm that hit the east coast. Hope this has given you the little amount of pleasure you were seeking; on to a new ip, new box, and better conditions!

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