steam-76561198026480595 0 Posted May 26, 2021 Hey, Im fairly new to modding and scripting in general and kinda learning as I go along, But I want to change the condition of clothes/items to be random at freshspawn and I cant figure out how class CustomMission: MissionServer { void SetRandomHealth(EntityAI itemEnt) { int rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(5,40); itemEnt.SetHealth("","",rndHlt); } override PlayerBase CreateCharacter(PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx, string characterName) { Entity playerEnt; playerEnt = GetGame().CreatePlayer( identity, characterName, pos, 0, "NONE" ); Class.CastTo( m_player, playerEnt ); GetGame().SelectPlayer( identity, m_player ); return m_player; } override void StartingEquipSetup(PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen) { // TStringArray tops = {"Layered_Shirt_Lily","Layered_Shirt_Courage","Layered_Shirt_Cheburashka","Layered_Shirt_White","Medium_Sleeves_Shirt","Medium_Sleeves_Shirt_Red","Medium_Sleeves_Shirt_Blue",}; TStringArray pants = {"Kneepads_Jeans_Base","Kneepads_Jeans_Black",}; TStringArray shoes = {"AthleticShoes_Black","AthleticShoes_Brown","AthleticShoes_Grey","HikingBootsLow_Beige","HikingBootsLow_Black","HikingBootsLow_Grey","HikingBoots_Black","HikingJacket_Black",}; TStringArray drink = {"SodaCan_Cola","SodaCan_Kvass","SodaCan_Pipsi","SodaCan_Spite",}; TStringArray food = {"Worm","SmallGuts","PowderedMilk","PeachesCan","Pear",}; TStringArray tool = {"OrienteeringCompass","PurificationTablets","Matchbox", "RoadFlare", "CanOpener","Rope", "SmallStone",}; // player.RemoveAllItems(); EntityAI itemEnt; EntityAI itemIn; ItemBase itemBs; //Clothes player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(tops.GetRandomElement()); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(pants.GetRandomElement()); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(shoes.GetRandomElement()); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); //Starting Gear and Food player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(drink.GetRandomElement()); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(food.GetRandomElement()); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(tool.GetRandomElement()); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("PersonalRadio"); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("StoneKnifeSpawn");// player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Battery9V"); ItemBase rags = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Rag"); rags.SetQuantity(2); Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drgullen 597 Posted May 26, 2021 6 hours ago, steam-76561198026480595 said: int rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(5,40); Change the numbers in this line. At the moment, it's set to between 5% and 40%. If you want completely random, that is could be pristine all the way to could be ruined, change the 40 to 100. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwissArmy1984 6 Posted June 2, 2021 This is the code I have in my init.c file: if (itemEnt) { // sets the health of the clothing items float rndHlt = Math.RandomFloat( 0.65, 0.95 ); itemEnt.SetHealth01( "", "", rndHlt ); } So, you're telling me, from what you indicated, that this code, because of the 0.65 to 0.95, that my clothing 'health' would somewhere between damaged to ruined? Or is there a problem with my code because I'm using Math.RandomFloat RATHER THAN Math.RandomInt? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drgullen 597 Posted June 2, 2021 @SwissArmy1984 If you're asking me, I have no idea if RandomFloat works. I have always used RandomInt and it has worked. I don't know the exact values in terms of when something pristine goes to worn and then when worn goes to damaged, etc. but I should think if you want the chance for something to spawn in ruined, the low value would be less than 50%. This is why I suggested to the OP to change his values to 5,100 which should cover the spectrum of ruined through pristine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwissArmy1984 6 Posted June 2, 2021 I'll change the code in my init.c file to follow your RandomInt instead and see what happens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
STEHNO 0 Posted November 17, 2021 EN: Here is Init.c where 4 Full characters are created. Random selects 1 of 4 characters. CZ: Zde je Init.c kde jsou vytvořeny 4 Full postavy.Náhodně vybere 1 ze 4 postav. ///////////////////////////// /////////// Init.c ////////// //// Created and Edited ///// //////////// by ///////////// //////// ST3HN0 ///////// ///////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Přidejte pomocnou funkci pro spawn //// <!-- --> ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Spusťte pomocnou funkci Umístit // // Umístit pomocnou funkci void SpawnObject(string objectName, vector position, vector orientation) { Object obj; obj = Object.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject(objectName, "0 0 0")); obj.SetPosition(position); obj.SetOrientation(orientation); // Force update collisions if (obj.CanAffectPathgraph()) { obj.SetAffectPathgraph(true, false); GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM).CallLater(GetGame().UpdatePathgraphRegionByObject, 100, false, obj); } } // Ukončit pomocnou funkci // void main() { //INIT WEATHER BEFORE ECONOMY INIT------------------------ GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(2018, 05, 06, 08, 00); //nastaveni datumu a casu co bude po restartu Weather weather = g_Game.GetWeather(); weather.MissionWeather(false); // false = use weather controller from Weather.c weather.GetOvercast().Set( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0.2, 0.4), 1, 0); weather.GetRain().Set( 0, 0, 1); weather.GetFog().Set( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0.05, 0.1), 1, 0); //INIT ECONOMY-------------------------------------- Hive ce = CreateHive(); if ( ce ) ce.InitOffline(); //DATE RESET AFTER ECONOMY INIT------------------------- int year, month, day, hour, minute; int reset_month = 9, reset_day = 20; GetGame().GetWorld().GetDate(year, month, day, hour, minute); if ((month == reset_month) && (day < reset_day)) { GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(year, reset_month, reset_day, hour, minute); } else { if ((month == reset_month + 1) && (day > reset_day)) { GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(year, reset_month, reset_day, hour, minute); } else { if ((month < reset_month) || (month > reset_month + 1)) { GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(year, reset_month, reset_day, hour, minute); } } } //Tuto funkci přidejte k vytvoření souboru * „mapgrouppos.xml“ v storage_1 / export. Je to na to aby Vám to vytvořilo v nových budovách SPAWN LOOTU. // Spusťte server s povoleným (GetCEApi().ExportProxyData( "7500 0 7500", 10000 ); ,počkejte 2-3 minuty, ten Vám vytvoří soubor * „mapgrouppos.xml“. Tento soubor najdete v mpmissions/název mapy/storage_1/export. // Nahradit původní „mapgrouppos.xml“ za nový z mpmissions/dayzOffline.chernarusplus/storage_1/export. //GetCEApi().ExportProxyData( "7500 0 7500", 10000 ); //Po vytvoření souboru „mapgrouppos.xml“ v storage_1/export ho nahradte původním ten najdete. Příklad:(E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus).Pak nezapomeň zatrhnout zase ten řádek aby se ti pořád nedělal spawn. //Zatrhněte tento řádek „GetCEApi().ExportProxyData( "7500 0 7500", 10000 );“ pomocí // a restartujte server. A už by měl být SPAWN hotovej.Abyste viděli hned že se v nových budovách SPAWNUJI věci je lepší udělat WIPE. // Tím,že smažete storage_1/data. Doporučuji zálohovat složku „storage_1“ celou } class CustomMission: MissionServer { void SetRandomHealth(EntityAI itemEnt) { if ( itemEnt ) { float rndHlt = Math.RandomFloat( 0.45, 0.65 ); itemEnt.SetHealth01( "", "", rndHlt ); } } override PlayerBase CreateCharacter(PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx, string characterName) { Entity playerEnt; playerEnt = GetGame().CreatePlayer( identity, characterName, pos, 0, "NONE" ); //Vytvoří náhodnou postavu s oblečením Class.CastTo( m_player, playerEnt ); GetGame().SelectPlayer( identity, m_player ); return m_player; } override void StartingEquipSetup(PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen) { EntityAI itemClothing; EntityAI itemEnt; ItemBase itemBs; player.RemoveAllItems(); //Tohle napsat aby se smazaly veci postavy switch (Math.RandomInt(0, 3)) { // kdyz chcete vytvořit vice postav a nazvat kazdou postavu příklad:(case 0 - 9)a náhodně vybere jednu z techto postav.POZOR povolit tady řádek 111 // a dole smazat zavorku řádek 277. //dát k první postavě a k další (case 0-9:) case 0: // kalhoty(pants) itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ST3HN0_Gorka_Pants_Green"); // vytvori do hracovo iventare (kalhoty,triko,vesta,batoh...) { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CanOpener" ); //vytvori item do obleceni itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "TacticalBaconCan" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "SodaCan_Kvass" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); // SetRandomHealth( itemEnt ); // random nastaveni kvality itemu (poskozeny,novy atd... samo nastavi kvalitu) // int throwDice = Math.RandomInt( 0, 2 ); // if ( throwDice == 0 ) // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "dzn_tool_watch" ); // vybere jednu moznost z techto dvou a stím se postava SPAWNE: // else // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "dzn_tool_watch2" ); } // bunda,triko(tops) itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ST3HN0_Gorka_Tops_Green"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Rag" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity( 4 ); // pocet ragu player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 0 ); // nastavení na tlacitko HOTBARU musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemEnt, 0“ vezme to z obleceni) itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_FNX45_15Rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_FNX45_15Rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_45ACP" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_45ACP" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_308Win" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_308Win" ); } // boty(shoes) itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MilitaryBoots_Bluerock"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CombatKnife" ); // v military botech bude nůž } // rukavice(gloves) player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TacticalGloves_Green"); // batoh(Bag) // itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AliceBag_Green"); // { // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Scout_Livonia" ); // if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) // player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 6 ); // itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ACOGOptic"); // if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) // itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("M4_Suppressor"); // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Scout_5Rnd" ); // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd_Green" ); // } // vesta(vest) itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Vest2_Green_ST3HN0"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Apple" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Pear" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Plum" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Kiwi" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Banana" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Vodka" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Orange" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd_Green" ); } // opasek + veci(belt) itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MilitaryBelt"); // vytvori item do opasku s tim ze na zbrani bude namontovany prislusenstvi + 9V baterky { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Canteen" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "NylonKnifeSheath" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CombatKnife" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PlateCarrierHolster" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("FNX45"); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "FNP45_MRDSOptic" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "TLRLight" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PistolSuppressor" ); } // zbrane(weapons) itemClothing =player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AKM"); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemClothing, 2 ) //tlacitko musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemClothing“ vezme to z ruky nebo zad) příklad:player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut„( itemClothing, 2 )“ { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "AK_PlasticBttstck_Green" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "AK_RailHndgrd_Green" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "AK_Suppressor" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PSO11Optic" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); } // helma na nocni videni(helmet + nvg) itemClothing =player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Mich2001Helmet"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "NVGoggles" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "UniversalLight" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); } // co bude mit v ruce postava(player in hand) itemClothing = player.GetHumanInventory().CreateInHands("B95"); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemClothing, 1 ); // tlacitko musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemClothing“ vezme to z ruky nebo zad) příklad:player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut„( itemClothing, 1 )“ { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "HuntingOptic" ); } break; case 1: // kalhoty itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("PrisonPants_ST3HN0"); // vytvori do hracovo iventare (kalhoty,triko,vesta,batoh...) { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Scout_5Rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Scout_5Rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CanOpener" ); //vytvori item do obleceni itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "TacticalBaconCan" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "SodaCan_Kvass" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Apple" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Pear" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Plum" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Kiwi" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Banana" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Vodka" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Orange" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); // SetRandomHealth( itemEnt ); // random nastaveni kvality itemu (poskozeny,novy atd... samo nastavi kvalitu) // int throwDice = Math.RandomInt( 0, 2 ); // if ( throwDice == 0 ) // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "dzn_tool_watch" ); // vybere jednu moznost z techto dvou a stím se postava SPAWNE: // else // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "dzn_tool_watch2" ); } // bunda,triko itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ST3HN0_Telnyashka"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Rag" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity( 4 ); // pocet ragu player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 0 ); // nastavení na tlacitko HOTBARU musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemEnt, 0“ vezme to z obleceni) itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_357" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_357" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_357" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Deagle_9rnd" ); // vytvori item do obleceni itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Deagle_9rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_556x45" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_556x45" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_556x45" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_CMAG_40Rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_CMAG_40Rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_CMAG_40Rnd" ); } // boty itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MilitaryBoots_Redpunk"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CombatKnife" ); // v military botech bude nůž } // rukavice player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TacticalGloves_Green"); // batoh // itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AliceBag_Green"); // { // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Scout_Livonia" ); // if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) // player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 6 ); // itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ACOGOptic"); // if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) // itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("M4_Suppressor"); // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Scout_5Rnd" ); // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd_Green" ); // } // vesta itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("PlateCarrierVest_Green"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PlateCarrierPouches_Green" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PlateCarrierHolster_Green" ); } // opasek + veci itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MilitaryBelt"); // vytvori item do opasku s tim ze na zbrani bude namontovany prislusenstvi + 9V baterky { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Canteen" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "NylonKnifeSheath" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CombatKnife" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PlateCarrierHolster" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Deagle_Gold"); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 4 ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PistolOptic" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PistolSuppressor" ); } // zbrane itemClothing =player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("M4A1_Green"); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemClothing, 2 ) //tlacitko musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemClothing“ vezme to z ruky nebo zad) příklad:player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut„( itemClothing, 2 )“ { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "M4_MPBttstck" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "M4_RISHndgrd_Green" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "M4_Suppressor" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "ACOGOptic" ); } // helma na nocni videni itemClothing =player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Mich2001Helmet"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "NVGoggles" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "UniversalLight" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); } // co bude mit v ruce postava itemClothing = player.GetHumanInventory().CreateInHands("Scout_Livonia"); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemClothing, 1 ); // tlacitko musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemClothing“ vezme to z ruky nebo zad) příklad:player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut„( itemClothing, 1 )“ { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "ACOGOptic" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "M4_Suppressor" ); } break; case 2: // kalhoty itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ST3HN0_Ttsko_Pants_Camo"); // vytvori do hracovo iventare (kalhoty,triko,vesta,batoh...) { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CanOpener" ); //vytvori item do obleceni itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "TacticalBaconCan" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Magazines_Svd_30Rnd_Blue" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Magazines_Svd_30Rnd_Blue" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Magazines_Svd_30Rnd_Blue" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "SodaCan_Kvass" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_762x54" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_762x54" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_762x54" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); // SetRandomHealth( itemEnt ); // random nastaveni kvality itemu (poskozeny,novy atd... samo nastavi kvalitu) // int throwDice = Math.RandomInt( 0, 2 ); // if ( throwDice == 0 ) // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "dzn_tool_watch" ); // vybere jednu moznost z techto dvou a stím se postava SPAWNE: // else // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "dzn_tool_watch2" ); } // bunda,triko itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ST3HN0_Ttsko_Tops_Camo"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Rag" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity( 4 ); // pocet ragu player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 0 ); // nastavení na tlacitko HOTBARU musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemEnt, 0“ vezme to z obleceni) itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_357" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_357" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_357" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Deagle_9rnd" ); // vytvori item do obleceni itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Deagle_9rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_545x39" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_545x39" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_545x39" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AK74_30Rnd_Black" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AK74_30Rnd_Black" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AK74_30Rnd_Black" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Apple" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Pear" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Plum" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Kiwi" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Banana" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Vodka" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Orange" ); } // boty itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MilitaryBoots_Black"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CombatKnife" ); // v military botech bude nůž } // rukavice player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TacticalGloves_Black"); // batoh // itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AliceBag_Green"); // { // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Scout_Livonia" ); // if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) // player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 6 ); // itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ACOGOptic"); // if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) // itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("M4_Suppressor"); // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Scout_5Rnd" ); // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd_Green" ); // } // vesta itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("PlateCarrierVest_Black"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PlateCarrierHolster_Black" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PlateCarrierPouches_Black" ); } // opasek + veci itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MilitaryBelt"); // vytvori item do opasku s tim ze na zbrani bude namontovany prislusenstvi + 9V baterky { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Canteen" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "NylonKnifeSheath" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CombatKnife" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PlateCarrierHolster" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Deagle_Gold"); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 4 ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PistolOptic" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PistolSuppressor" ); } // zbrane itemClothing =player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AK74_Black"); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemClothing, 2 ) //tlacitko musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemClothing“ vezme to z ruky nebo zad) příklad:player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut„( itemClothing, 2 )“ { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "AK_PlasticBttstck_Black" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "AK_RailHndgrd_Black" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "AK_Suppressor" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PSO11Optic" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); } // helma na nocni videni itemClothing =player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Mich2001Helmet"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "NVGoggles" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "UniversalLight" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); } // co bude mit v ruce postava itemClothing = player.GetHumanInventory().CreateInHands("Weapon_Esvd_SVD_Blue"); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemClothing, 1 ); // tlacitko musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemClothing“ vezme to z ruky nebo zad) příklad:player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut„( itemClothing, 1 )“ { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "AK_Suppressor" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PSO11Optic" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); } break; case 3: // kalhoty itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ST3HN0_Usmc_Pants_Woodland"); // vytvori do hracovo iventare (kalhoty,triko,vesta,batoh...) { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CanOpener" ); //vytvori item do obleceni itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "TacticalBaconCan" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "SodaCan_Kvass" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "RGD5Grenade" ); // SetRandomHealth( itemEnt ); // random nastaveni kvality itemu (poskozeny,novy atd... samo nastavi kvalitu) // int throwDice = Math.RandomInt( 0, 2 ); // if ( throwDice == 0 ) // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "dzn_tool_watch" ); // vybere jednu moznost z techto dvou a stím se postava SPAWNE: // else // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "dzn_tool_watch2" ); } // bunda,triko itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ST3HN0_Usmc_Tops_Woodland"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Rag" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity( 4 ); // pocet ragu player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 0 ); // nastavení na tlacitko HOTBARU musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemEnt, 0“ vezme to z obleceni) itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_357" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_357" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_357" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Deagle_9rnd" ); // vytvori item do obleceni itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Deagle_9rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_556x45" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_556x45" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_556x45" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AK101_30Rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AK101_30Rnd" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AK101_30Rnd" ); } // boty itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MilitaryBoots_Beige"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CombatKnife" ); // v military botech bude nůž } // rukavice player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TacticalGloves_Beige"); // batoh // itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AliceBag_Green"); // { // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Scout_Livonia" ); // if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) // player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 6 ); // itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ACOGOptic"); // if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) // itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("M4_Suppressor"); // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_Scout_5Rnd" ); // itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd_Green" ); // } // vesta itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Vest2_Black_ST3HN0"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Apple" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Pear" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Plum" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Kiwi" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Banana" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Vodka" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Orange" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Magazines_Fal_50Rnd_Blue" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Magazines_Fal_50Rnd_Blue" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Magazines_Fal_50Rnd_Blue" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_308Win" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_308Win" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Ammo_308Win" ); } // opasek + veci itemClothing = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MilitaryBelt"); // vytvori item do opasku s tim ze na zbrani bude namontovany prislusenstvi + 9V baterky { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Canteen" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "NylonKnifeSheath" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "CombatKnife" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PlateCarrierHolster" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Deagle_Gold"); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemEnt, 4 ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PistolOptic" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PistolSuppressor" ); } // zbrane itemClothing =player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Weapon_Faling_FAL_Blue"); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemClothing, 2 ) //tlacitko musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemClothing“ vezme to z ruky nebo zad) příklad:player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut„( itemClothing, 2 )“ { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Fal_FoldingBttstck" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "ACOGOptic" ); } // helma na nocni videni itemClothing =player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Mich2001Helmet"); { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "NVGoggles" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "UniversalLight" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); } // co bude mit v ruce postava itemClothing = player.GetHumanInventory().CreateInHands("AK101_Green"); player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut( itemClothing, 1 ); // tlacitko musi to jit od 0-9 a na hotbaru to bude od 1-0 (kdyz je tam „itemClothing“ vezme to z ruky nebo zad) příklad:player.SetQuickBarEntityShortcut„( itemClothing, 1 )“ { itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "AK_PlasticBttstck_Green" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "AK_RailHndgrd_Green" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "AK_Suppressor" ); itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "PSO11Optic" ); if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Battery9V" ); } break; } // povolit pri nastaveni vice postav az ke konci kdyz budete mit hotovy vsechny postavy // narazí na čerstvou vodu a energetické hodnoty (pro kompenzaci zmrazeného jídla a těžko dostupných studní) Třeba na mapě „Namalsk“ //player.GetStatWater().Set( 900 ); //player.GetStatEnergy().Set( 1100 ); } }; // tuhle smazat pri povolovani vice postav na vyber a vytvoři vice postav viz řádek (116-269) Mission CreateCustomMission(string path) { return new CustomMission(); } Share this post Link to post Share on other sites