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UK34, EXCESSIVE Admin Abuse [With Proof]

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If the community doesn't weed out the bad admins, who will? We're pretty much self-policing here since the DayZ dev team is constantly busy.

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Thats fine, the community should point out the admins that -do- abuse their power. What they shouldn't do is make a thread on the forums titled something like... ehh... "EXCESSIVE ADMIN ABUSE", and then slap on something like "WITH PROOF" without having conclusive proof, and then set the stage up to stone said servers reputation, bypassing any sort of logic, or reasoning to determine whether said admin is actually abusing his "powers" (Almost none.). Its like we're in Salem a few centuries ago. Or Los Angeles right now.

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It is completely possible that the server crashed' date=' and vehicles/tents did not initialize properly. Being only him on the server(Supposedly) after the crash, it rules out any intervention from friends to 'remove' his camp. Him livestreaming on the coast, rules out intervention from him. People are simply ignoring the plain logic of the situation, and are making up their own, twisted ideas of what happened, and everyone else is eating it like cake at a birthday party. This is the DayZ community. Server admin is most likely innocent of all of these accusations, and your attempt to spread as much shit as possible over yourself and the rest of the forums only hurts the drive to host servers for this game at their own expense, and provide any sort of service to the community. Go away.


First of all, the fact that you're taking a swing at me angers me to no end. Based on all the evidence I put forward, this most certainly is a legitimate report. I have every right to report this, the fact that you're dismissing all my evidence and taking the admins side without him having provided any proof whatsoever is disgusting.


That one player that was alone on the server could have been his friend instead of himself, so that doesn't rule out anything. Him streaming himself was after this whole ordeal, when the server was up and running for everyone.

You're talking about me like I'm some villain, all I ever did was report suspicious behavior, WHICH ONE IS SUPPOSED TO DO.

"Go away?"

Get over yourself you pretentious tool.

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somebody blacklist this server already. admin is clearly guilty and talking out of his ass.

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There are a couple of problems with the OP's argument.

1. There was no lock on the server in the picture(http://i.imgur.com/TnZSX.png if you don't want to look for it) where he stated there was one. If you look at the far right near the flag there is a small section where it will show a lock if the server is actually locked. The OP's picture lacks one of these, therefore the server was not locked. If he had tried to connect and failed, the other guy was likely trying the same thing as the OP and was stuck at a black "Loading" screen.

2. The OP did not check to see who was actually logged into the server. If you launch Arma 2 and look up a server using the "filter" option in the multiplayer menu, it will tell you who is on a server when you select it. A screenshot of this would have been more useful to his argument.

3. Tents and cars normally despawn after server crashes. I cannot recall the reason why, but I know it has something to do with the server loading things out of order and not registering them. Normally a second server restart will fix it and all of the items will be back in their rightful place.

4. There is no proof of what server you were on when the camp was missing. This is probably the smaller of the others though.

If you look for corruption, you will find it whether it is present or it isn't. I doubt all these people in this thread seeking blood and retribution for a problem that is most likely nonexistant isn't helping the OP's argument.

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Look, fuck this. I did my part, I saw suspicious behavior and I reported it to help prevent future instances of this. I've presented series of evidence, while the admin has provided none.

I really don't see any point in continuing to discuss this. If he can't provide logs, he's guilty.

If he can provide them, it was obviously a series of coincidences (including his previous accusations (?)).

Simple as that.

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Yes, you've tried to provide evidence - which is good. The thing is, your evidence doesn't prove anything - it almost does the opposite, prove you wrong. You say the server was locked, when it obviously wasn't.

You could see 1 player playing, so you instantaneously assume this is the Admin. Vilayer has been having serious issues with their servers, this one obviously included. And this happened to occur at the same timeframe as they were having issues.

Also the screenshots you provided, more specifically, the one without a base proves nothing what so ever. You can't prove in any way that the server in that picture was UK34. You could just have joined another daytime server - and claim it's UK34 without the base.

I'm not saying either of you are guilty or some saint here, but you lack proper evidence to really accuse him of doing anything wrong.

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Yes' date=' you've tried to provide evidence - which is good. The thing is, your evidence doesn't prove anything - it almost does the opposite, prove you wrong. You say the server was locked, when it obviously wasn't.

You could see 1 player playing, so you instantaneously assume this is the Admin. Vilayer has been having serious issues with their servers, this one obviously included. And this happened to occur at the same timeframe as they were having issues.

Also the screenshots you provided, more specifically, the one without a base proves nothing what so ever. You can't prove in any way that the server in that picture was UK34. You could just have joined another daytime server - and claim it's UK34 without the base.

I'm not saying either of you are guilty or some saint here, but you lack proper evidence to really accuse him of doing anything wrong.


How does one provide solid evidence when everything can be edited and/or forged? Seriously, please tell me how to bring solid evidence when it happened in a virtual world? The only way would be a video recording.

If you've read my earlier posts in the thread I explained that everyone who tried to enter the server got stuck in "Waiting for Host". Double-checked with a friend of mine.

He's been accused be before as well, this only strengthens my case.

Again, if he can't provide logs, he's obviously guilty. Let's leave it at that and let the moderators investigate.

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You can provide evidence, but it is up to others to decide if what you think you have observed actually happened the way you envision it.

The server not actually being locked

Admin live streaming himself on the beach

And a camp not respawning being commonplace (seriously can this get fixed?)

All shoot holes in your case. You felt you did the right thing in reporting, and you did. However that does not automatically imply guilt and I am inclined to believe a shitty host was the culprit and the timing of situation coincidental.

Sucks for the Admin because he has a shitty host, and sucks for you because the loot was phat. C'est la vie in Day Z

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If you've read my earlier posts in the thread I explained that everyone who tried to enter the server got stuck in "Waiting for Host". Double-checked with a friend of mine.

Again' date=' if he can't provide logs, he's obviously guilty. Let's leave it at that and let the moderators investigate.


1. Waiting for host more the likely means there are ISSUES with the server.

2. I see no reason he needs to provide logs to anyone in this thread. If anything you should just drop it now, your making a fool of yourself. using a photo from six updater is very questionable. Matter of fact if I was a judge I would throw your evidence out. you just have alot of circumstantial evidence. This witch hunt has to stop you people make admin abuse look more widespread then it actually is

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You can provide evidence' date=' but it is up to others to decide if what you think you have observed actually happened the way you envision it.

The server not actually being locked

Admin live streaming himself on the beach

And a camp not respawning being commonplace (seriously can this get fixed?)

All shoot holes in your case. You felt you did the right thing in reporting, and you did. However that does not automatically imply guilt and I am inclined to believe a shitty host was the culprit and the timing of situation coincidental.

Sucks for the Admin because he has a shitty host, and sucks for you because the loot was phat. C'est la vie in Day Z


Please read the entire thread before voicing your opinion.

The server was denying everyone entry, except one. Stuck in "Wait for Host" screen, something I have no doubt he could be capable of doing.

Admin was streaming himself on the beach after the whole incident, a friend could still have went in and moved it.

All holes are not shot, still evidence.

The admin should have posted the log a long time ago if he didn't have something to hide.

If you've read my earlier posts in the thread I explained that everyone who tried to enter the server got stuck in "Waiting for Host". Double-checked with a friend of mine.

Again' date=' if he can't provide logs, he's obviously guilty. Let's leave it at that and let the moderators investigate.


1. Waiting for host more the likely means there are ISSUES with the server.

2. I see no reason he needs to provide logs to anyone in this thread. If anything you should just drop it now, your making a fool of yourself. using a photo from six updater is very questionable. Matter of fact if I was a judge I would throw your evidence out. you just have alot of circumstantial evidence. This witch hunt has to stop you people make admin abuse look more widespread then it actually is

Well shit, sorry for defending my case. I'm out.

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I have read every post in this thread, don't get upset because I disagree with you.

Especially now that you are contradicting yourself. Was it locked or was it Wait for Host?

If one person is on the server live streaming, how could a friend be moving the camp? So now it wasn't denying everyone? The admin thought "Oh man let me go live stream on a different server, and have Freddy move my camp!"

Your assumptions of what happened does not fall into line with the simpler and more likely explanation of hosting/server issues that are commonplace in this mod.

Just a few days ago we had a bus, several tents and quad. Server resets and we have Nothing.

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Jeez...people love sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. Leave the guy alone, it's not your post, and you're not the accused. Hell, you're not even witnesses, so take a long walk off a short pier. Don't worry, I'll be following you shortly. *tips his hat*

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In game hit "i" and hold. You will see the server name there.

Also the timeout displayed in one of his messages does happen.(not on mission restarts though)

all in all i say its pretty damning until the server host provides logs.I honestly dont know why he hasnt.

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Please read the entire thread before voicing your opinion.

The server was denying everyone entry' date=' except one. Stuck in "Wait for Host" screen, something I have no doubt he could be capable of doing.

Admin was streaming himself on the beach after the whole incident, a friend could still have went in and moved it.

All holes are not shot, still evidence.

The admin should have posted the log a long time ago if he didn't have something to hide.


Server crashes cause a plethora of issues, especially on managed servers. One of those issues is not being able to connect to the server again. If it were locked it would have said so when you attempted to connect. You would never have seen "Waiting for host".

Also, if your lack of proof is due to it all being editable, then why keep demanding logs? They're just txt files that can be easily added to or edited. You also need to realize we have to shut down our servers to open the logs. Considering how often people around here jump to accusing admins of hacking, there's really nothing to gain from taking our servers down just to appease a small group of people, often acting irrationally and with blinders, on the forum calling for blood over one persons assumptions.

You should have asked him to clarify what happened before lighting your torch and gathering the mob.

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Jeez...people love sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. Leave the guy alone' date=' it's not your post, and you're not the accused. Hell, you're not even witnesses, so take a long walk off a short pier. Don't worry, I'll be following you shortly. *tips his hat*


This forum section exists for a reason, if it were none of our business to voice our opinions about the case, the moderators would have made it private where as only the creator of the Thread, the involved and moderators/admins could reply.


If the server was locked, it would refuse connection right away. You'd get an message saying the server is currently locked, thus, not accepting connections of any kind.

If you were able to get in but got stuck at "Wait for Host" it obviously mean server issues. A Server Admin can not cause other players to get stuck on loading while he, himself can go in and do as he pleases.

I agree with the others, you should drop this case already. Your evidence is not strong enough to prove the admin guilty.

Vehicles and Tents disappearing on server crash is a common issue and has been around for a while, don't blame the Admin for what is a very known bug.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but if an admin manually restarts/closes the servers don't you usually instantly get a "session closed" message? And when the server crashes you just lose connection like in the picture.

Anyways the evidence could have been better but I still think the admin should provide logs to prove his innocence further. Instead of just dismissing the little amount of evidence posted by OP this could be easily solved if we could see the logs. If admin is innocent hes got nothing to lose by doing so, right now it just feels like hes stalling.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but if an admin manually restarts/closes the servers don't you usually instantly get a "session closed" message? And when the server crashes you just lose connection like in the picture.

Anyways the evidence could have been better but I still think the admin should provide logs to prove his innocence further. Instead of just dismissing the little amount of evidence posted by OP this could be easily solved if we could see the logs. If admin is innocent hes got nothing to lose by doing so' date=' right now it just feels like hes stalling.


My thoughts exactly. Believe me I use to manage a few DOD:S servers where constant rule violations(because it was a realism server) and logs were the key evidence. Granted we are talking about a different game but something is better than nothing.

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I believe the admin loled and abandoned this thread due to OP being too boring to continue argue with? if the admin knows he's right and already stated what he was doing, and what happened, I believe he doesn't need to provide anything.

Someone getting butthurt over the server going down and loosing their "phat lewt" complaining about server admins, yeah, nothing new there. But thumbs up for your awesome "gewgle skillz" to find out someone else like you did the same in the past.

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Uhm.. Yeah. I like how everyone are being straight out insulting now. Thanks for the few backing me up, though. Attacked for defending my case and admin is praised for not having anything to say.

Fuck it, I'm done. At least I tried to help prevent this happening to anyone else.

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I believe the admin loled and abandoned this thread due to OP being too boring to continue argue with? if the admin knows he's right and already stated what he was doing' date=' and what happened, I believe he doesn't need to provide anything.

Someone getting butthurt over the server going down and loosing their "phat lewt" complaining about server admins, yeah, nothing new there. But thumbs up for your awesome "gewgle skillz" to find out someone else like you did the same in the past.


Just because some is an Admin doesnt mean they're innocent. Like any case in law both sides need to prevent evidence. However with little did they guy present he presented enough to cause concern. However all this admin has done is just say "NOPE YOU'RE WRONG". If he wants respect from everyone that reads these forums. He should provide logs proving his innocence.

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JUst sayin, he could be either, but his clear explanation WITHOUT going on and on and on and on and on (get my point?) about it kinda seems like he explained what he wanted to say and let people decide for themselves if he's the devil or not. Sure, he could probably post logs, but as what others have already said: those can be forged as well. I see a word against word discussion over the interwebs, and the better man stopped replying, I believe

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For those of you just joining us:


1. Admin gets caught abusing his powers to protect his loot, abused posts pics that provide the absolute best evidence he can provide in his given situation.

2. Abused's story does not completely add up the way he told it. Although the major events in the story are still relevant and proven.

3. TKG Members or admin himself on smurf accounts rake Abused over the coals for his simple mistakes, completely ignoring the previous history of accusations of abuse and the extremely suspicious series of events that led to this accusation.

4. Actual admin disappears from thread, never posting any proof to back up his story.

Up next: This thread falls into obscurity and the admin continues his abusive ways.

If this server isn't blacklisted after two seperate accounts of similar abuse, wherein the admin refuses to even post logs to back up his story, then this game is truly effed when it gets to release.

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without (proper steadfast non-edited, waterproof)proof, I believe it would be impossible to blacklist a server or globally ban a player, just sayin. I'm out of this thread as well, as it will probably go on the same way for a couple of hours/days until it dies down and find someone else to crack down on.

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