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Hand-to-Hand Combat Improvement Proposal

Will it help improve melee combat?  

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  1. 1. Will it help improve melee combat?

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I would like to immediately apologize for my bad English. This is my small list of changes that should make melee in the game a little better.
When attacking melee, the character automatically takes several steps forward. (By the way, because of this, it is not possible to normally attack targets located on the ground, for example (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyk9C1O1_-g&t=120s) , a lying player or targets near a wall / barrier. How it looks at the moment in the game: https://youtu.be/v2W81qLCzNY)

  • Remove automatic stride on melee hits.
  • Make the character move freely when attacking. (So I can step back and hit).

Weak blows.

  • If you managed to inflict 3 or more weak attacks in hand-to-hand combat, then the stun animation should work for the enemy (For both zombies and players).

Reinforced blow. At the moment, with a sufficient supply of stamina, you can use a combo attack of two reinforced blows, side blow(Right handt) + uppercut(Left hand), but there is one problem, if a side blow deals damage to a zombie or another player, then the uppercut does not hit the target. (How it looks at the moment in the game: https://youtu.be/llK2FPv5cZs)

  • You need to swap the hits in combo attacks. So that first there was an uppercut, and then a side kick.
  • Or reduce the distance that a character or a zombie comes in when an empowered strike hits.

Melee dodge when using the Q / E key does not work and will likely never work. 

  • Remove dodges (No need for them)

Block or protection. 

  • Make the character move freely when using a block. (How it looks at the moment in the game:https://youtu.be/i_3MNjD9I1I)
  • Assign a block to the ctrl key (holding the right mouse button.).
  • Add animation to quickly retreat back (one or two steps back. Can only be used once.) so that you can dodge a two-handed weapon. Activation with the keys сtrl + space.
  • If the attack was blocked when using a block, add a small stun animation. (As was done in 0.63)

Fight while lying down. I really don't understand why there is a kick attack and a block in the prone position at this point in the game. The game simply does not have a situation in which this mechanic was used.

  • It is necessary to remove the kick and block in the prone position.


  • With weak attacks on zombies, I would like to see some kind of animation confirming my hits. (Hit animations are not working well right now.)
  • Remove bottom hits from zombies when my character is standing in front of him in full height.
  • Down hits should only be activated when my character is sitting or lying down.
  • Bring back the combo attacks that were in patch 0.63. (https://youtu.be/DV67AATBYu8?t=34)



Now let's do some daydreaming and move on to the list of suggestions. 🙂

Downhill melee attacks.

  • Special animations for downward strikes, both with fists and with two-handed weapons. (Then there will be a sense of blocking and striking in a position when your character is lying on his back.)
  • Finishing attacks. When the enemy is unconscious.


Edited by akula692008

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