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Hunger and Thirst System

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Well, this is a very important topic with a great suggestion for the game. When your character spawns he always appears hungry and always dies if he is going to a far place without getting food, the character can take about 15 minutes without any food or water in the body and that sucks, in real life a human being has managed to survive 44 days without eating and this is a long way from 15 minutes, what I propose is that when the character has 0% of food or water he will miss almost nothing of life, but be slow, very slow, due to weakness, as if the leg was broken, this would solve many problems and would not leave the players frustrated, there should be loss of life but very little time to spend days in the game and the character would still be alive, it would be MUCH MORE REALISTIC, being hungry would impact the gameplay a lot, that is, you would have to keep yourself fed, and that would prevent a death in vain .. I also don't think it is very difficult to program, they added the cold system and I think it was much more difficult .. there are reports on the internet that after 20 days without eating, you feel hungry, despite dreaming about food .. in the heat the character would be more thirsty, and in the cold, I would spend more protein to keep my body warm, that is, I would feel more hungry, another important point is that the human being can only survive 3 to 7 days without water, that is, water is essential, food not so much..

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The issue with this type of idea is that I think most people aren't going to want to be playing that long in a "simulated broken leg" state as you've described here.

I think the system that exists already is fine, but the default levels of new spawn hydration and energy are too low.  You should be able to last at least one hour from new spawn before you die from dehydration without consuming anything, less time of course if you're sprinting too much.

At the end of the day, it's a game, so you can't really get anywhere close to IRL levels of a human's ability to survive without food and water.

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I think devs don't want you to kill yourself, it doesn't have to be as slow as I mentioned, it can be at normal walking speed, you just couldn't run.

On 12/03/2021 at 05:54, drgullen said:

O problema com esse tipo de ideia é que acho que a maioria das pessoas não vai querer jogar tanto tempo em um estado de "perna quebrada simulada", como você descreveu aqui.

Acho que o sistema que já existe está bom, mas os níveis padrão de hidratação e energia de nova desova são muito baixos. Você deve ser capaz de durar pelo menos uma hora desde a nova desova antes de morrer de desidratação sem consumir nada, menos tempo, é claro, se estiver correndo demais.

No final do dia, é um jogo, então você não pode realmente chegar perto dos níveis IRL de capacidade de um humano de sobreviver sem comida e água.


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