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Alt+F4 exploit after killed

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Server: US 184 Tony Axis Funhouse

Time: 5:45 PM Central(US/Canada)

Exploiters name is: Mrakobes

He obviously alt+f4'd after i killed him, i managed to loot some items but i lost the rangefinder/nightvision gogs and never got to check his backpack...

Here is the video


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Yeah sadly exploiting Alt+F4 isn't punishable as of yet. In the future they will add content to prevent people from doing this!

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bah :/ thats sad news.. i wasnt wanting a perma ban or anything, but a suspension or a warning would be nice! And also NVG's and that rangefinder would have been even nicer :p

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Um, you killed him and then he closed the game? Please explain how the person in question is a exploiter/cheater? If I had a character with NVG/Range finder etc and I died I would be pretty peeved and probably close the game myself.

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For one its a known exploit? And Alt+F4 is different from "Closing" the game. It robs the game of one of the main purposes of pvp and that is to loot your kills. Im not saying hes an exploiter for being upset and "raging", but instead for using a bug that makes his body disappear and robs me, and many others, out of well earned loot.

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So killing the process removes your body but menu closing the game doesn't?

Can someone confirm this?

Regardless of how they have quit, if you kill them and the close the game it isn't a big deal, why should someone have to sit in game for x minutes to ensure someone gets your inventory?

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IT's an AXIS of Blood Server.. You should expect any exploit they can think of they will use... 99% of that guild/clan are tools. But hey Anthony's has a "VURRRY Expensive lawyer"....

Play a different server maybe you will get lucky and find a decent one.... ROFLMAO I almost got that out without laughing sorry.

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