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init.c coder required

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Is there anyone who knows how to add a code to our init.c file so that we can enter a steam i.d. and that player will spawn in a specific location? There would be about 20 or so Steam id,s so hopefully if it can be done their numbers could be added to a string of some kind. $$ Donation available to anyone who can help

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You can make a list of strings and check if the each connected player is in the list then spawn them at a desired location

Here's an example code:

const int MaxSpecialPlayers=10; //number of players 

std::string SpecialPlayers[MaxSpecialPlayers]={ steam ids here seperated by comas };

for(unsigned char i=0;i<MaxSpecialPlayers;i++)


  if(connected player==SpecialPlayers)


                 vector pos=coordinates of the place you want the player to spawn;

                Entity playerEnt = GetGame().CreatePlayer(identity, characterName, pos, 0, "NONE");



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This code works for me:


class CustomMission: MissionServer

	// Default code for this class goes here. Put the code below at the bottom of this class.

	// Teleport player to a specified coordinate on connect depending on the SteamID - Code start
	override void InvokeOnConnect(PlayerBase player, PlayerIdentity identity)
		super.InvokeOnConnect(player, identity);

		// Define the X and Z coordinates below where the player(s) will spawn when they connect.
		float xCoordinate = 4661;
		float zCoordinate = 10330;
		// Enter the SteamID or the BI-UID for the player(s) you want to spawn at the above coordinates.
		// Separate with a comma if you have more than one player.
		ref TStringArray spawnPlayers = {"76561198000000001", "76561198000000002", "76561198000000003"};

		// Check if the current player is on the above list. If so, make him/her spawn at the specified coordinates.
		for (int i = 0; i < spawnPlayers.Count(); ++i ) 
			if(player.GetIdentity().GetId() == spawnPlayers[i] || player.GetIdentity().GetPlainId() == spawnPlayers[i])
				float yCoordinate = GetGame().SurfaceY(xCoordinate, zCoordinate);
				vector spawnCoordinates = Vector(xCoordinate, yCoordinate, zCoordinate);
	// Teleport player to a specified coordinate on connect depending on the SteamID - Code end


This will apply to respawns as well. If a player with a matching SteamID dies he/she will respawn at the given coordinates.

I haven't tried the code with multiple Steam ID's, but it should work.

Edited by NoBeansForMe

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