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Mays (DayZ)

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Have you murdered anyone yet? Or done anything bad or evil? I have. I've also lied to see where people are.

*hears bullets* me: "If you don't reply i'll blow your brains out, I know where you are." Him: I'm in the barn, come in, don't shoot!" I didn't have any ammo.. :D

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Tricking people into thinking you have ammo is a good idea. Nice.

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I mugged someone with a flashlight tonight. Started screaming at him over voip that it was a Remington with a flashlight and that if he didn't get down on the ground he would have several large lumps of lead lodged in his skull. He dropped his weapon, I looted it then executed him like the dog he was.

Gotta love bluffing at night time.

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I shot my first person last night, have been alive for just over 2 days, 20 zeds killed.

I was at green mountain, investigating the radio tower, I swore I could hear someone rustling around in the bushes outside the fence line, I crept back to the tower and just as I got there I see someone crouched in the corner of the hallway, I get shot a few times, and return fire hitting him also, I backed away round the corner and quickly bandaged myself, then swapped to the winchester 1866, crept back to the doorway and there he was laying prone in the hall, he opened fire again, but my two shots hit him in the head and he died.

I was far from "unscathed", had to use my morphine (broken leg), lucky I only lost about 1000 blood.

I think if they had a larger / better gun, I would have been done for.

But that's my first PK.

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I don't dog people, but I do hunt them.

I stalked a guy through cherno for 15 min and then when he entered the house near the church I was already inside waiting for him in one of the rooms.

When he walked in I turned direct chat on and yelled "SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER!" and blew him away with my AK, was terrific.

Also had a funny one where I found a guy and told him he had 3 seconds to respond to my call of friendly or I would blow him away, I counted it out and the plastered the wall with his brains.

But so far the most dog move I've seen was done to me. I found a guy in cherno and saved him from a bunch of zs then sheperded him around because he didn't know where everything was and at this point I can run around cherno in the dark with no lights and go from building to building looting like a pro, I've got that place down. Anyway! I pick up another straggler along the way he says his friendly. So I give him a double barrel shot gun and we keep looting. After about 20min I decide I've had enough and that I'm going to log and go do something else so I give my AK to the first guy that I met and helped and walk into another room to log.

Then I hear boom, boom from the double barrel. The dude killed the other guy for an aka and half a clip of ammo... So I tell him over direct chat that he is an immoral pile of shit and he go fuck himself and charge into the room guns blazing knowing full well I was going to get blown away.

Oh forgot to mention when I found the second guy he was unconscious being mauled by zombies, I killed them all gave him a blood transfusion and morphine and pain killers...

What a guy lol

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I avoid survivors like the plague. I've never shot someone.

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The first time (and only, so far) I killed someone was after I died and headed to elektro to get some basic supplies. I headed into the firestation and announced that I was entering to anyone in the tower.

I reached the top and saw a guy with his gun pointed at the stairs. I didn't shoot, but then he fires he lee enfield and somehow misses me (I'm literally 2 meters from him) I return fire, my heart racing. 2 Shots from my Winchester into his center mass and he dropped. I felt bad when it came up as a "murder" instead of "bandit" and tried frantically to revive him.

20 seconds later and I had got over it. Told myself that it was justified, he shot me and I returned fire. Case Closed. Took his ALICE Pack and compass, map, matches and his makarov and gtfo of elektro as fast as possible.

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I've murdered so many people my heartbeat sensor sounds like bongos playing, as said by a friend.

When cautiously making my way into Starry Sobor, 4 survivors pop out of fucking nowhere and start shouting at me to drop my weapons or be shot.

I comply and they waste no time getting chummy with me, letting me help them cycle loot saying that I could have my pick of anything I wanted since all they wanted was some DMRs.

I notice they have a Ural sitting nearby, and they tell me if I even so much as look at it I'm swiss cheese. Then, as if lady luck was smiling upon me there is a huge de-sync. I make a beeline for the Ural, hop in and drive it out of the place making sure to run a couple of them over.

I'm a good distance away from Starry, far out of reach from their sniper when the de-sync ends and a couple death messages pop up, followed by me shouting "SUCKEEEERS!" in side chat VOIP.

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Lol, yesterday I started a game fresh and found 2 other survivors. I tried talking to them via mic but they either didn't have a mic or they were both in a party of their own and I was just tagging along. Anyways, we manage to find some supplies and we each got a hatchet to ourselves. We make our way inland following a dirt path and we come across a barn where things start to go wrong.

A zed starts running up to one of us and we manage to take him down, but then another came along and with him another, and another. We start hacking one after another until we manage to kill all of them with one of the survivors obtaining a broken leg. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to take both of them out incase we come across a gun resulting in one of us obtaining ultimate power over the rest. So when the standing survivor turned around, I hacked him to death and turned around to the other survivor barely crawling his way out. I start slowly walking towards him with the bloody hatchet on my right, the bloody remains of the former survivor dripping from the blade, forming a red trail behind me. I could tell the other survivor was in a state of shock and panic, as he desperately attempted on swinging his hatchet whilst crawling from a distance. After numerous attempts of vigorously bashing the air, I waited for an opportunity of completely stillness, right after another attempt in hopes to bash my skull in, I swung my hatchet and decapitated the poor mans head.

It's a harsh world out there...

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Literally logged in on my usual elektro camp spot waiting for a friend to come to me so we could head inland. Was about to kill a player in elektro looting the school when 50m down the hill two bandits where prone at a fence, one with a sniper and a ghillie and the other must have been his spotter, shooting at my guy. So I shot them both. Then 4 or so minutes later he rolls back up again to loot his corpse. I wait for him to loot everything and get sorted out and just as he's about to head off into cover I shoot him again.

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I brutalized somebody with my hatchet the other day. It was my first kill, got my heart racing really fast.

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I kill half the people I come across. Mostly because I don't trust people with rifles and shotties. But I help defenseless spawnies until they find a weapon then I abandon them.

I every once in a while they will follow me I will tell them to leave of they don't

bam head full if lead

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I've only killed one person so far.... and I kinda felt bad about it.... A friend and I are looting some restaurants in Cherno and as we go in, we hear someone drink something upstairs. My friend yells out "Friendly?" and he responds, "I'm friendly if you are" or something along those lines. My friend goes upstairs first and into the first room on the right, I follow behind him cautiously. I never take my shotgun off this stranger the whole time, I even entered the room backwards. My hearts beating because my current character has been alive for a good few days now and it's not really about losing the gear to me, it's just wanting to see how long I can survive. I am a little jumpy and the stranger walks by me and as he does he turns and his weapon faces me and just out of natural reaction I blasted him twice without even thinking about it. He falls to the ground and my friend loots his body lol. I did kinda feel bad, but, I survived another day so I'm happy :)

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I was looting a cafe/house type building in cherno (one with stairs n rooms upstairs) when a bandit with an axe caught me looting a cz. He chased me room to room swinging wildly. All i could hear was his swings hitting walls and yet i kept missing him with the cz (did NOT wanna stand still lol). Bricking it wasnt the term for this. It was some scary shit. I legged it down the stairs and out into the town. I spun to quick shot him from the hip and missed again. He gave up and headed for the square. Fearing zombies i ran the other way. Then i looked at my debug. I had a murder :S But how ? i looked just down the street and there he was, a dead survivor. The unlucky guy musta got clipped by one of my stray cz shots at the bandit. Sucked to be that guy :(

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I haven't killed anyone...


Haha! Nice one, you must be a good player mate.

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I haven't killed anyone yet and I really don't want to unless I REALLY need something and don't want to head back to the old beach-bandit-bait stage. I mentioned this in side chat and I got the great reply of "well you won't live very long".

My attitude is if I hate bandit players so much why become part of the problem? I had one guy shoot me in the back 5 mins after spawn, I only had a hatchet. When I asked what his problem was he said "Because you're a bandit!", how would he know this? And yeah of course I was out for his blood when I was trying to run away from his terrible aim with hatchet in hand :dodgy:

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I mugged someone with a flashlight tonight. Started screaming at him over voip that it was a Remington with a flashlight and that if he didn't get down on the ground he would have several large lumps of lead lodged in his skull. He dropped his weapon' date=' I looted it then executed him like the dog he was.

Gotta love bluffing at night time.


If that is true it is absolutely awesome.

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I kill bandits and server hoppers. Because they deserve it

Its how I convince myself this game isn't turning me into a sociopath who enjoys the rush of killing people :)

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Of course!

Whenever I die, I go to the Balota tents, and then the airfield. I close the doors and wait for someone to bring me beans to trade. I give them bullets to the face and they give me precious beans.

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