-Eduard- 0 Posted February 6, 2021 The server does not start, explain what is wrong. "start server.bat" start "" "DayZServer_x64" -config=serverDZ.cfg - Selects the Server Config File -port=2302 - Port to have dedicated server listen on -profiles=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer – Path to the folder containing server profile. By default, server logs are written to server profile folder. Logs/dumps/etc will be created there, along with BattlEye/BEC/Rcon related files. Windows Environment variables are supported (E.g. %userprofile%). -dologs - Enables all log messages in the server RPT -adminlog - Enables the admin log -netlog - Enables the network traffic logging -freezecheck - Stops the server when frozen for more than 5 min and create a dump file -noFilePatching - Ensures that only PBOs are loaded and NO unpacked data. -BEpath=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye - Sets a custom path to the Battleye files -cpuCount= - Sets the number of logical CPU cores to use for parallel tasks processing. It should be less or equal than the numbers of available cores. "serverDZ.cfg" hostname = "Server DayZ"; // Server name password = ""; // Password to connect to the server passwordAdmin = ""; // Password to become a server admin enableWhitelist = 0; // Enable/disable whitelist (value 0-1) maxPlayers = 5; // Maximum amount of players verifySignatures = 2; // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. (only 2 is supported) forceSameBuild = 1; // When enabled, the server will allow the connection only to clients with same the .exe revision as the server (value 0-1) disableVoN = 0; // Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1) vonCodecQuality = 20; // Voice over network codec quality, the higher the better (values 0-30) disable3rdPerson=0; // Toggles the 3rd person view for players (value 0-1) disableCrosshair=0; // Toggles the cross-hair (value 0-1) disablePersonalLight = 1; // Disables personal light for all clients connected to server lightingConfig = 0; // 0 for brighter night setup, 1 for darker night setup serverTime="SystemTime"; // Initial in-game time of the server. "SystemTime" means the local time of the machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23" . serverTimeAcceleration=12; // Accelerated Time (value 0-24)// This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case, the time would move 24 times faster than normal, so an entire day would pass in one hour. serverNightTimeAcceleration=1; // Accelerated Nigh Time - The numerical value being a multiplier (0.1-64) and also multiplied by serverTimeAcceleration value. Thus, in case it is set to 4 and serverTimeAcceleration is set to 2, night time would move 8 times faster than normal. An entire night would pass in 3 hours. serverTimePersistent=0; // Persistent Time (value 0-1)// The actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, the next server start will use the saved time value. guaranteedUpdates=1; // Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1) loginQueueConcurrentPlayers=5; // The number of players concurrently processed during the login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting at the same time. loginQueueMaxPlayers=500; // The maximum number of players that can wait in login queue instanceId = 1; // DayZ server instance id, to identify the number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files storeHouseStateDisabled = false;// Disable houses/doors persistence (value true/false), usable in case of problems with persistence storageAutoFix = 1; // Checks if the persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones (value 0-1) respawnTime = 5; // Sets the respawn delay (in seconds) before the player is able to get a new character on the server, when the previous one is dead motd[] = { "line1","line2" }; // Message of the day displayed in the in-game chat motdInterval = 1; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message maxPing= 200; // Max ping value until server kick the user (value in milliseconds) timeStampFormat = "Short"; // Format for timestamps in the .rpt file (value Full/Short) logAverageFps = 1; // Logs the average server FPS (value in seconds), needs to have ''-doLogs'' launch parameter active logMemory = 1; // Logs the server memory usage (value in seconds), needs to have the ''-doLogs'' launch parameter active logPlayers = 1; // Logs the count of currently connected players (value in seconds), needs to have the ''-doLogs'' launch parameter active logFile = "server_console.log"; // Saves the server console log to a file in the folder with the other server logs adminLogPlayerHitsOnly = 0; // 1 - log player hits only / 0 - log all hits ( animals/infected ) adminLogPlacement = 0; // 1 - log placement action ( traps, tents ) adminLogBuildActions = 0; // 1 - log basebuilding actions ( build, dismantle, destroy ) adminLogPlayerList = 0; // 1 - log periodic player list with position every 5 minutes enableDebugMonitor = 1; // shows info about the character using a debug window in a corner of the screen (value 0-1) steamQueryPort = 2305; // defines Steam query port, should fix the issue with server not being visible in client server browser allowFilePatching = 1; // if set to 1 it will enable connection of clients with "-filePatching" launch parameter enabled simulatedPlayersBatch = 20; // Set limit of how much players can be simulated per frame (for server performance gain) multithreadedReplication = 1; // enables multi-threaded processing of server's replication system // number of worker threads is derived by settings of jobsystem in dayzSettings.xml by "maxcores" and "reservedcores" parameters (value 0-1) networkRangeClose = 20; // network bubble distance for spawn of close objects with items in them (f.i. backpacks), set in meters, default value if not set is 20 networkRangeNear = 150; // network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of near inventory items objects, set in meters, default value if not set is 150 networkRangeFar = 1000; // network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of far objects (other than inventory items), set in meters, default value if not set is 1000 networkRangeDistantEffect = 4000; // network bubble distance for spawn of effects (currently only sound effects), set in meters, default value if not set is 4000 defaultVisibility=1375; // highest terrain render distance on server (if higher than "viewDistance=" in DayZ client profile, clientside parameter applies) defaultObjectViewDistance=1375; // highest object render distance on server (if higher than "preferredObjectViewDistance=" in DayZ client profile, clientside parameter applies) lightingConfig = 0; // 0 for brighter night, 1 for darker night disablePersonalLight = 1; // disables personal light for all clients connected to server disableBaseDamage = 0; // set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of fence and watchtower disableContainerDamage = 0; // set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of tents, barrels, wooden crate and seachest class Missions { class DayZ { template="dayzOffline.chernarusplus"; // Mission to load on server startup. <MissionName>.<TerrainName> }; }; at startup this happens https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OBzF3tVSWs_xhSbIupF1tRTNZbr9cU5v/view?usp=sharing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drgullen 597 Posted February 6, 2021 other than having .exe at the end on the Start command, looks okay to me I think. I googled the error and there's lots of possible fixes here: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=DayZ+Server+hostname+parameter+is+missing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Eduard- 0 Posted February 7, 2021 (edited) the server was started, but it is not in the game. Edited February 7, 2021 by -Eduard- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
me777.de 0 Posted February 9, 2021 1. there are still all comments/explenations in the .bat -> you are expected to read those, put in the values it needs and remove the comments! 2. the bat has no closing "" 3. you did not use code tags to post the files. 4. in the config you are supposed to change the server name and put an admin password as the bare minimum. but you can keep the pc licence as it is only 4 violations, 5 and more get you suspended from using anny pc for 30 days! (this is supposed to be a joke) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frenzer 0 Posted March 24, 2021 On 2/10/2021 at 12:34 AM, me777.de said: 1. there are still all comments/explenations in the .bat -> you are expected to read those, put in the values it needs and remove the comments! 2. the bat has no closing "" 3. you did not use code tags to post the files. 4. in the config you are supposed to change the server name and put an admin password as the bare minimum. but you can keep the pc licence as it is only 4 violations, 5 and more get you suspended from using anny pc for 30 days! (this is supposed to be a joke) networkRangeClose = 20; // network bubble distance for spawn of close objects with items in them (f.i. backpacks), set in meters, default value if not set is 20networkRangeNear = 150; // network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of near inventory items objects, set in meters, default value if not set is 150 networkRangeFar = 1000; // network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of far objects (other than inventory items), set in meters, default value if not set is 1000 networkRangeDistantEffect = 4000; // network bubble distance for spawn of effects (currently only sound effects), set in meters, unprofessional hairstyles default value if not set is 4000 defaultVisibility=1375; // highest terrain render distance on server (if higher than "viewDistance=" in DayZ client profile, clientside parameter applies) defaultObjectViewDistance=1375; // highest object render distance on server (if higher than "preferredObjectViewDistance=" in DayZ client profile, clientside parameter applies) lightingConfig = 0; // 0 for brighter night, 1 for darker night disablePersonalLight = 1; // disables personal light for all clients connected to server disableBaseDamage = 0; // set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of fence and watchtower disableContainerDamage = 0; // set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of tents, barrels, wooden crate and seachest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juliamullers 0 Posted May 11, 2021 On 2/10/2021 at 12:34 AM, me777.de said: 1. there are still all comments/explenations in the .bat -> you are expected to read those, put in the values it needs and remove the comments! 2. the bat has no closing "" 3. you did not use code tags to post the files. 4. in the config you are supposed to change the server name and put an admin password as the bare minimum. but you can keep the pc licence as it is only 4 violations, 5 and more get you suspended from using anny pc for 30 days! (this is supposed to be a joke) Absolutely ridiculous Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rcon says 0 Posted June 6, 2021 I ran into this setting up a DayZ server for the first time - fix for me was to replace -config=serverDZ.cfg with -config C:\Full\Path\To\Dayz\Install\serverDZ.cfg I figure some recent update or something changed (or broke?) the argument parsing and nobody has updated any of the docs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites