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Is PvP an American thing?

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I don't wish to provocate, I hate racism and have many American gaming buddies.

It's just....well...... I am finding most pvp heavy servers are American ones. My XBox buddy ( an American ) pretty much seconded this to me. I have found a great little European server were PvP threats are balanced out with cooperative players. Other guys have hinted at this too.

It's not the game - it's the mentality of the players.

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PvP is more prominent on US servers because they are the most populated (During US daylight that is). It has nothing to do with player mentality, and PK'ing is proportionally just as prominent on foreign servers. It's a silly idea to even propose otherwise.

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I don't wish to provocate' date=' I hate racism and have many American gaming buddies.

It's just....well...... I am finding most pvp heavy servers are American ones. My XBox buddy ( an American ) pretty much seconded this to me. I have found a great little European server were PvP threats are balanced out with cooperative players. Other guys have hinted at this too.

It's not the game - it's the mentality of the players.


the term you were looking for would be xenophobia. you can't be racist against a nationality made up of a wide range of ethnicities. Sorry to nitpick.

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But most of my friends are American....

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OK point taking - I regret thread. It was based on mine a few peoples observations and I shouldn't of ran with it.

Let it die.

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Not a stupid question, OP. It is entirely possible for different cultures to approach a game differently.

Just to refute your hypothesis though, I've heard of some notorious Russian and German bandit groups who are a bit more creative than run of the mill PvPers and far more deadly.

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Mostly due to high population, as said above, but I've been on quite a few foreign servers that were just as ruthless. People don't generally join the half full foreign servers when their thirsty for blood, so in theory you run in to friendlier people :p

Ps. I'm surprised by the actual posts containing intelligence... There is hope for this forum again after all :D

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people are generally friendly in canada and asia servers.

Japanese servers you have these guys who builds forts and stuff. like if you think barbwire, sandbags and tank trap is bad, go to a japanese server. like i was in the school building the other day in elektro in japanese server and the front gate had like 3 layers of wires , sandbags all over and tank traps all over the 1st floor. if you server hop in the first floor of the school ud get trap and stuck without a toolbox and entrenching tool. same goes for church and firestation. a lot of ladders have a V shape wire fencing so you cant even reach the ladders


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Not a stupid question' date=' OP. It is entirely possible for different cultures to approach a game differently.

Just to refute your hypothesis though, I've heard of some notorious Russian and German bandit groups who are a bit more creative than run of the mill PvPers and far more deadly.


You are correct that American servers are pvp but it is random. While the German and Russian bandits I hear go for higher tier players. Also on a couple of occasions after stating I am American on a foreign server a other wise friendly player will shoot but thus event is rare.

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Heard completely the opposite, that EU were back stabbing assholes, being from the EU myself, I tried out the US servers despite the ping and found people rather nice. Still, each to their own experience. Someone probably had a bad server and decided to make it as actual fact for the whole nation. Pretty retarded really.

American, EU, whatever...human's are humans regardless and greed is amongst us all.

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Thank you for keeping it civil guys - I feel an ass for posting it so thanks for bailing me out.

I'll try the Russian servers though just to see whats going down.

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Heard completely the opposite' date=' that EU were back stabbing assholes, being from the EU myself, I tried out the US servers despite the ping and found people rather nice. Still, each to their own experience. Someone probably had a bad server and decided to make it as actual fact for the whole nation. Pretty retarded really.

American, EU, whatever...human's are humans regardless and greed is amongst us all.


You couldn't be more right. Like for example I am pretty sure not all Canadians will except you into their servers. While I do agree with others about how American servers have more pvp (I am American :) )

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Honestly don't think location has anything to do with PVP. No matter what server you go on the chances of PVP are all the same.

If you join a US server with 50 players, odds are you'll come across some bandits. Same as EU servers, you join a 50 player server, most likely you'll come across bandits. It's the same all around.

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Honestly don't think location has anything to do with PVP. No matter what server you go on the chances of PVP are all the same.

If you join a US server with 50 players' date=' odds are you'll come across some bandits. Same as EU servers, you join a 50 player server, most likely you'll come across bandits. It's the same all around.


You need to remember that views on PvP differ between cultures. Like I would assume that there would less PvP on Japanese server than a American or German server maybe not a lot but a difference none the less.

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I think the question is more about the disposition that players from different countries have about guns.

One would think that in a country where guns are available to the broad public (like the US), almost all players would be ruthless killers. Maybe it's the exact opposite because getting a gun in the EU, for example, is very difficult if not impossible for the average citizen (unless you are a hunter or something like that, but still the paperwork is prohibiting).

That said, i am totally against any form of guns and violence in RL, in games, kill 'em all :D

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lol, trying going on a russian server, armies of bandits. actually really cool.

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lol' date=' trying going on a russian server, armies of bandits. actually really cool.


You have probably come over the "Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star" :D

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asia server is all pretty chill, a lot of them likes to build forts and safezones rather than pvp, then they just shoot zombies........

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Played on EU, UK, AUS, US, CAN etc etc etc

They are all the same... depends who you meet and under what circumstances.

Only exception is Eastern Europe Evil little #@!kers (#=h not f)

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Played on EU' date=' UK, AUS, US, CAN etc etc etc

They are all the same... depends who you meet and under what circumstances.

Only exception is Eastern Europe Evil little #@!kers (#=h not f)


Lol I don't mean to be rude but they do seem to be very skilled killers and ah bit evil :)

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lol Don't know why but I imagined some sick role-play scenarios going down in those locked down buildings on the Japanese servers...can't believe no one has mentioned anything regarding tentacles yet...

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Well from my experiences EU or at least UK servers seem to be more friendly than most the US ones I play one.. sadly I get kicked now for my ping.

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