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Official server raiding

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I'm new to the game playing an official server and was just kind of wondering about raiding. I seen alot of wooden doors on buildings that have the 3 combination lock on them. Can we just smash through the door to get in? So I have to use a sledgehammer or axe? Does it take forever? 

I was looking for videos on utube but there is so many and alot of them are old so I'm unsure of the actual weapons needed and length of time it takes to break into a base wether its just one wooden wall with a lock or whatever it may be.




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@OP, base building is basically an irrelevant feature of this game as someone can blast your door open in under 18 seconds (it takes longer to build it)

In my opinion that is totally scuffed, the fact that the materials to build a gate take like 3 - 6 hours to farm up, yet some twat can come along, do some Hacking to get the ammo he needs, then blast the door open in under 18 seconds.

What a brilliant game mechanic

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