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Equipment Repair, specifically Ballistic Vests

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Duct tape and/or apoxy should repair ballistic and stab vests.  Having leather repair a nylon vest does not make sense.

Most ballistic vests can be broken down into two major components.   1.  The nylon carrier.  2. the ballistic plates/panels if it has any.

Most vests that can stop rifle bullets are going to have ballistic plates.   Most of these plates are made up of either ceramic, polyethylene, or ballistic rated steel.

The carrier could be repaired with duct tape.  In a pinch I'm confident you could fabricate a functional carrier out of duct tape.  I'm certain it is strong enough to hold two 6 pound plates.

Attempting to repair ballistic plates is different story.  You would probably be better off manufacturing new ones.

For Dayz purposes I would say 12 rags + 2 epoxy resin?  

The stab vests I have owned all had a carrier and soft panels.  


Edited by VodkaFish

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