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Camping, Cigerettes, Godrays & Particles

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I was sitting inside an abandoned apartment around the north side of the map waiting for the sun to go down... Thinking what a terrific addition to the game would be if there where sunrays in the late afternoon shining through the window with dust particles floating inside of it...  Talk about atmospherics!  
To me this game is one giant "Getaway" from life.. the more things I can think to do in a camping situation the happier I am playing.. Concocting meals would be fabulous, SMOKING CIGERETTTES would be OUTSTANDING, Making alcoholic beverages or HOT choclate would be heart warming. Resting would be a loving transcript to my plight of danger, I swear the other day, this infected was following me- Everywhere I walked to inside Sarvograd I would look behind me and this one particular infected was there, just out of agro range, looking at me in my direction slowly creeping along at me. this went on for some time, I was about to give him a name when I lost track of him...

But stepping back a few paces.. I was thinking what else could be done without alot of programing that would make the camp time more important...

Being able to eat and emote at the same time- beared some fruit..

*Edit* I know Imentioned this before in the forums. but having a seccond stamina bar- This one depicting your overall daily energy. This would keep in mind to the players that they are not superhumans. running all day and night. but modified by vitamine, food, water, rest and even coffee. Resting for 10 minutes real time would refill this indicator, but what I am trying to do is place emphasis on the camping side of real life into the game & not to hinder another players immersiveness (easy comes as easy goes to modded servers). I love the stamina bar, and lets be truthful there are some outstanding mods for this game available- but the servers that show off some of these elements all have the stamina bar removed which is the number 1 biggest deterrent for me to play on them- so I dont. ( even if that means depicting cheaters as some radical quark in the game that cannot be denied, so I see cheaters as a random ingame element of danger and not real people (because they are not playing like a real person to begin with) sorta like running into a bear. but before I lose track- The stamina bar is what is separating the men from the mice. DONT LET THE MICE WIN BECAUSE THERE ARE MORE OF THEM!

One thing I do know though- Is I dont want to have to watch my charector pissing in the corner or needing to take a poo... This is definatly not what I would call a quality immersive aspect.


Oh Yeah... There kinda needs to be a tad bit more comprehension between how you cheractor feels and it displaying it. as of this moment the "being cold aspect" is spot on.. thats great. now if it had this type of architectural information based around hunger and thirst as well, without being a hindrance to times where keeping quiet is very important. should not be too difficult to employ. Sorta like the coughing and sneezing- did a FINE job on its implementation! at first it was alittle overkill, but now it is BEAUTIFUL !

I kinda miss the torrential Down pours of rain! That was such a clever way to push the player to live inside the dynamics of weather by rushing from one house to the next. Wind on the other hand- I can fully understand how the wind would be such a programming nightmare.. so I am meditating on ways that may help you designers... just give me time!


Edited by Exxoduss
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The stamina bar could use some recalculating. I agree that it is essential to the game experience. The camping aspect as you describe, has a wide open door for improvement.

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