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Suggestions based on WOBO's latest video detailing changes to food in update 1.10

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I posted this in the comments of WOBO's latest video regarding the decay of food in 1.10 and quite a few people plus WOBO himself seemed to think my recommendations and thoughts were pretty good and they suggested I post them here on the off chance the devs might see or hear them, so here I am.

  • Food Availability:
    I beg you DayZ devs, please do Not increase the amount of spawned food like some people are going to ask for, it will undermine and render these new mechanics void if food is plentiful. (A few more chickens and goats in villages would be OK but nothing else)
    I'm confident you weren't going to increase it but just in case I wanted to start with it, I understand that some people want easy-mode and that's fine, there are easy-mode servers they can join.
  • Conditions of Food Decay:
    Please make it so food condition decays over time - i.e. a freshly picked apple is Pristine, after roughly 30% of the rotten timer has elapsed it changes to Worn, once below 50% it's Damaged, and under 25% Badly Damaged or something similar, so players have an indication of the state the food is in just like real life. It would be great if you could change the conditions for food to "Fresh", "Fine", "Old", "Stale", and "Rotten".
  • Open Cans/Tins (Spillage):
    Once a can or tin of food/drink is open unless it's a resealable container either don't allow it to be placed in player inventories or even better if possible allow it to be placed in an inventory but over a short time, maybe 15-minutes, the amount of food in the can/tin will decrease with Spillage.
  • Rotten Meat Usage (Hunting, Distraction): 
    I haven't tested it lately so I don't know if it's still a working mechanic but thrown meat steaks used to distract/attract Wolves. It would be fantastic if this worked with bears too and also rotten meat can be used also, giving rotten meat a use other than poisoning players.
  • Food and Object Temperatures (Improvised Heat Packs):
    In the recent update, cooked food loses it's temperature very quickly which is great in my opinion, I never liked the meta of tiny amounts of cooked meat all through player inventories to keep them warm. But to add to that, I think it should be possible to warm objects like cans of food and stones on a fire/stove and be used as heat packs that stay warm for a lot longer, maybe 1-hour real-time but quickly get cold if you are in water or soaked. (I know heating cans used to be a thing but I don't think it works currently, please correct me if I'm wrong)
  • BOWS!
    I know everyone and their dog has asked for them but please... I miss my bow. With hunting being more necessary please bring back the bows, improvised and some sort of recurve too... pretty please with sugar.
  • Turn Survival Up To 11: 
    Anything else that makes DayZ more survival orientated and more of a challenge, so many players disappeared from the game because DayZ became too easy, we miss the survival game mechanics from this survival game. Some people don't like them and that's fine, there are servers dedicated to those players with loot/food increased or they can just rob other players for all their food. Sometimes we all want to just chill, switch off, and blow shizzle up with explosive-tipped .50cal snipers, but the base game needs more survival elements.

All in all, it's a great update, thank you DayZ devs and anyone that contributed.

Edited by DeepEuphoria
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how to add new types of fish for fishing enthusiasts? .. and alcohol to keep warm and cure colds?

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18 hours ago, maxon-69 said:

how to add new types of fish for fishing enthusiasts? .. and alcohol to keep warm and cure colds?

Yeah, some other fish would be good.


Edited by DeepEuphoria
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Alcohol doesn't cure colds. 😉 It only offers a very brief relief.

As far as food is concerned, I'd actually make animal food sources harder to find in the game. I can't go ten minutes on the map without hearing a chicken, goat, cow or deer.

+ Boars are around in 1.09. Saw one yesterday. Shot it point blank in the head with a 7.62/39 round and it ran off. That's just silly.

Lastly, I don't know what the timer is for food rot. But it should happen over a number of game days. In other words, if I kill and skin an animal for its meat and find that 30 minutes later it was rotten, that would simply be dumb. Rotting food is a great idea, but it needs to happen over quite an extended period.

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2 hours ago, Tonyeh said:

Alcohol doesn't cure colds. 😉 It only offers a very brief relief.

As far as food is concerned, I'd actually make animal food sources harder to find in the game. I can't go ten minutes on the map without hearing a chicken, goat, cow or deer.

+ Boars are around in 1.09. Saw one yesterday. Shot it point blank in the head with a 7.62/39 round and it ran off. That's just silly.

Lastly, I don't know what the timer is for food rot. But it should happen over a number of game days. In other words, if I kill and skin an animal for its meat and find that 30 minutes later it was rotten, that would simply be dumb. Rotting food is a great idea, but it needs to happen over quite an extended period.

The new rotten food mechanics coming in 1.10, the basics are simple enough but WOBO's video breaks it down into detailed spreadsheets for nerds like me that want to know every stat, algorithm, and line of code.

TL;DR - You must cook your meat fairly quickly after skinning an animal, currently I think it's 30-mins to 1-hour real-time during exp' testing before it goes bad and hours/days/weeks once cooked depending on how you cooked it and where it's stored. Obviously, timers and stats are subject to change before and after it hits stable.


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