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Isnt it time yet for Dayz to have food perishable?

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7 hours ago, Exxoduss said:

Isnt it time yet for Dayz to have food perishable?

lol its like right around the corner my old boy. perishable food is coming with the 1.10 update.

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Having only played this a couple of months i have noticed a couple of things that may or may not have been mentioned and yes i know its a game and i treat it as such. Weapons with silencers on the Deagles is as it would be but the other pistols sound like they dont have on attached they should sound like the Deagles if not better, for the long gun (ka-m,lar etc) their silencers are very short lived even firing short bursts and dont last a full mag on the likes of a ka-m.

For the eating and drinking could you extend that as your for ever drinking and eating and food and drink would last longer in real life,the cold part on experiment is great .other weapons like knives could do with a little extension on life span as well as lock picks.

Clothing you have white hunter jackets and pants any chance of snow ghile suits hoods and cloaks for the console ?

And lastly great game am impatient like other player for 1.10 to go live 


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Since he went off topic. Im going to also!

GREAT WORK GENTLEMAN AND LADIES! As far as I can tell the patch was an overwhelming success! 

I still have my Aspirations for DayZ, who dont? Like a sudden but once awhile burst of sheets of rain. I often wondered if the Shard could share the weather system?

I dont know if now would be a good time to bring up- Clans and clan management & Server hopping for planned scrimms. the ability to be in a pre ordained location to just goto a designated server for an event.?

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Definitely a good update! I’m excited about the direction and evolution of DayZ.

It would be great to see a feature that would allow your location to be saved on each server, but I am not a programmer, and it sounds like that would be difficult to do.

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17 hours ago, EzyStriderPS4 said:

First prize goes to @Tyllwyd for the most un-related post imaginable. Thanks for contributing to OP.

Sorry iput it in wrong place 


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It's not real because the food meter is ridiculous. I got to eat after crossing a paddock and go from fed to dead within hours in game time. The same day. What's up with that? This game needs to be rebalanced entirely. The health meters are way off. Also, hyperthermia is not a virus, like a cold. You don't get a cold by being wet. Omg this game is a mess....

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On 12/6/2020 at 7:46 PM, Crankgorilla said:

It's not real because the food meter is ridiculous. I got to eat after crossing a paddock and go from fed to dead within hours in game time. The same day. What's up with that? This game needs to be rebalanced entirely. The health meters are way off. Also, hyperthermia is not a virus, like a cold. You don't get a cold by being wet. Omg this game is a mess....

YES YOU DO GET SICK FROM A COLD BY BEING WET!.  Getting wet causes your body temp to lower drastically  especialy in the wind, your immune system is thusly diverted to compensate- allowing normaly blocked viruses to enter the body and cause sickness. But I will agree with you on one thing, Starving doesnt kill you, its the organ failure that kills you from lack of nuetrients the body uses to continues to replace and regenerate the organs ceases and they break down (sorta like having a flat tire). it is an excruciating way to die. painful would be putting it mildly. lack of energy to move or even speak. and another thing is if your on the bring of starving to death and you slam a bunch of liquids- chances are that alone will stop your ❤ . but to reach that stage of starvation would be a long and painful experience. If you dont believe me- try Fasting for 3 days, just on a consumption of water and lettuce. 

I have toyed with the idea of lack of food in this forums before- instead of causing health degradation, that it would just cease the regenerative ability to your health and blood until you get some nutrients in you, but should also degrade the stamina bar over time and after several in game days with no food should cause heart failure.

Dayz is missing one element here- Sugar

Sugar has in important role in the human body, insulin can keep you warm when its cold out and can help you cool down when its hot out by causing the body to release moisture which in turn is cooled by the breeze, as a side effect will also increase your thirst in the heat that can cause dehydration and make you sweat inside a insulated coat while performing exerting exercise that can also cause hypothermia.

You NEVER ever want to sweat in below freezing conditions. if you ever notice that your sweating in that climate, you need to slow it down a notch and dry off as soon as you can.

Edited by Exxoduss
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the devs could just say that there is sugars in food you eat so they don't need to add a sugar kind of stat. tinned peaches have sugar, cereal have sugar, hell all the tinned foods have sugar and the fruit that can be found has naturally occurring sugars too. I agree though a certain aspect of sugar playing a part in the survival would be pretty cool because it would make tinned foods and fruit more sought after. 

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3 hours ago, rackinglad27 said:

the devs could just say that there is sugars in food you eat so they don't need to add a sugar kind of stat. tinned peaches have sugar, cereal have sugar, hell all the tinned foods have sugar and the fruit that can be found has naturally occurring sugars too. I agree though a certain aspect of sugar playing a part in the survival would be pretty cool because it would make tinned foods and fruit more sought after. 

But it is this line of thinking that are getting everyone so uppitty about the food consumption, temp, weather & illness. what all modifications is there on food actual in the game mechanics?

If it was me- and I wasnt gonna restrict my programming by circumventing cheaters, I would also include a 2nd stamina bar- one that is your overall days of energy or have that value based on the food consumed, possibly... But the more detailed you get the easier it is for a cheater. every aspect has the potential of being exploited. This is like the difference of seeing a newspaper in black and white or seeing the newspaper as red. in other words- there is a large area between the two, so how is one to know if its even the actual game mechanics if there is not an indicator for it?

For example: Here is an easy to explain but immersive breaking way of putting it.. If you open your inventory screen and mouse hover over the vital in question. a pop up menu will appear and detail all the modifications effecting the stat.  THATS basicaly what I amsaying, but to do it immersivly and detailed as possibleto form a player to game understanding.


Edited by Exxoduss

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