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Console Inventory Sorting

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I understand that the PC version of the game has great options for organising inventory, however the console version is a nightmare.

Could we please just have a SORT button that organises everything within a container / item of clothing into groups of the same item. So, all nails would be together, all 308 ammo would be together etc etc.

This would be a huge benefit, and make it easier to find the items you need.


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There are no sorting options.... Only Tetris like style replacing of items. 

Managing your inventory is a skill and doing it wrong or on a wrong moment could get you killed. 

I like that as is. But console should also have Tetris possibilities dont know if that is so cause im on pc 🙂

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But at least on PC you can put like items together. On console, we have no option other than putting it in a container. It then goes to the end of the list of that container. No option to giggle it about, unles you then remove every other item and but them all back in a specific order.

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