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Delta Smoke 01

Limit vehicle saving to 1 per player

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Not sure if this is already in effect but the hording of vehicles on this game is now reaching the point where we dont see them. Ever. Iv seen 3 or 4 in my whole time playing since this mod was released. Ppl having 4/8 vehicles in their camp isnt fair on everyone else.

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vehicles are more often used for storage than transport, which is kinda lame, maybe make them break down when not being driven so they have to at least start the engine every day or move position , now i see most being used as lockers.

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vehicles are more often used for storage than transport' date=' which is kinda lame, maybe make them break down when not being driven so they have to at least start the engine every day or move position , now i see most being used as lockers.


You just have to go find them. I found a camp with 6 vehicles at it (surrounded by wire fencing, sandbags and tank traps), but luckily they had stored 2 entrenching tools on one of the vehicles (pretty dumb mistake, imo). I'm now the owner of 4 of them at my camp. Come and find it! :)

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Not sure why this is an issue, find their camp and steal it (:

I've found 2 vehicles so far and they were both in camps, killed someone for one once... exploring is profitable :D

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Absolutely not.

Vehicles get stolen and destroyed constantly.

So I keep backups. I have ~4 vehicles hidden in different places at any one time.

"It's not fair," is bullshit. Go find my vehicles if you want them. I'm not online 24/7 and even when I'm online I'm not just camping my vehicles.

Go find them. There right there. Over there in the woods. You can practically see them from the road. Use your eyes. Those wet balls in your face holes. Yup, those are the ones.

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I think hes more or less talking about the people that drive /fly off the map for a while and set up camp. Finding those on foot just aint worth it D:

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Absolutely not.

Vehicles get stolen and destroyed constantly.

So I keep backups. I have ~4 vehicles hidden in different places at any one time.

"It's not fair' date='" is bullshit. Go find my vehicles if you want them. I'm not online 24/7 and even when I'm online I'm not just camping my vehicles.

Go find them. There right there. Over there in the woods. You can practically see them from the road. Use your eyes. Those wet balls in your face holes. Yup, those are the ones.


Yea like i can be bothered to walk 2 miles off the map to find ur camp. 1 vehicle per survivor end of. Or atleast make them despawn when moved off the map. As for your eyeball comment...f*** you.

Indeed i am talking about those off the map camps. On the map is fair play. But vehicles parked off the map used as backup's is bullshit. Vehicle fixing is the one and ONLY thing to do these days if ur not a bandit. But noooo ofc u have to ruin that aswell /sigh

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an be bothered to walk 2 miles off the map to find ur camp. 1 vehicle per survivor end of. Or atleast make them despawn when moved off the map. As for your eyeball comment...f*** you.

The idea that all camps are "miles" off map is a myth. Unless you have a helicopter, which are currently disabled on all but a very small number of servers, then it is completely pointless to hide your camp off the map. It requires enormous amounts of time to run back and forth, and consumes more fuel than even a storehouse of Jerry Cans can make up for. You would be spending 90% of your time in game traveling back and forth to your camp and 9 of the other 10% fetching fuel to make up for it. Then you're halfway back to the map and your friend logs in now you have to turn around...

It's just not that common.

Our camps are never more than 1000m from a road so we can access fuel and travel quickly around searching for players and loot. And many other camps are this way. I have stumbled across camps with 4-6 vehicles in them on multiple occasions.

Stop crying about "hoarders" and get out there and start hunting for vehicles. They're not that hard to find.

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The problem is in camps outside map. Border line is clearly visible, and imho ANYTHING should be saved outside those boundaries. ANYTHING!

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an be bothered to walk 2 miles off the map to find ur camp. 1 vehicle per survivor end of. Or atleast make them despawn when moved off the map. As for your eyeball comment...f*** you.

The idea that all camps are "miles" off map is a myth. Unless you have a helicopter' date=' which are currently disabled on all but a very small number of servers, then it is completely pointless to hide your camp off the map. It requires enormous amounts of time to run back and forth, and consumes more fuel than even a storehouse of Jerry Cans can make up for. You would be spending 90% of your time in game traveling back and forth to your camp. Then your halfway back to the map and your friend logs in now you have to turn around...

It's just not that common.

Our camps are never more than 1000m from a road so we can access fuel and travel quickly around searching for players and loot. And many other camps are this way. I have stumbled across camps with 4-6 vehicles in them on multiple occasions.

Stop crying about "hoarders" and get out there and start hunting for vehicles. They're not that hard to find.


Im not crying about anything, this is a suggestions thread. Im putting forward an idea that will bring vehicles back into play instead.

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Im not crying about anything' date=' this is a suggestions thread. Im putting forward an idea that will bring vehicles back into play instead.


And I'm telling you vehicles haven't left play.

I'm no ARMA expert. I don't hack. And I only have a small group of friends who play. I'm nobody special.

Yet in the past 14 days my group has discovered, stolen, repaired, or otherwise occupied: 1 UAZ, 2 Land Rovers, 1 ATV, 2 Bicycles, 2 Motorcycles, 1 URAL Truck, 2 Tractors, 3 White Pick-ups, 2 Yellow Hatchbacks, 1 Red Sedan, 1 Small Fishing Boat, gee, what else? I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

And, yes, when you say "it's not fair" that you don't have a vehicle when the only thing standing between you and acquiring one is a little hard work, then it comes across as crying. Hike up your pants and get back out there and find yourself some wheels, son.

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Im not crying about anything' date=' this is a suggestions thread. Im putting forward an idea that will bring vehicles back into play instead.


And I'm telling you vehicles haven't left play.

I'm no ARMA expert. I don't hack. And I only have a small group of friends who play. I'm nobody special.

Yet in the past 14 days my group has discovered, stolen, repaired, or otherwise occupied: 1 UAZ, 2 Land Rovers, 1 ATV, 2 Bicycles, 2 Motorcycles, 1 URAL Truck, 2 Tractors, 3 White Pick-ups, 2 Yellow Hatchbacks, 1 Red Sedan, 1 Small Fishing Boat, gee, what else? I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

And, yes, when you say "it's not fair" that you don't have a vehicle when the only thing standing between you and acquiring one is a little hard work, then it comes across as crying. Hike up your pants and get back out there and find yourself some wheels, son.

Urgh your arrogance annoys me

DELTA they are there, the problem is that vehicle spawns are not randomised http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vehicles

just check this out an go looking

as for camps, meeh ive not found any excessive ones, but small set ups with tents n vehicles, indeed they are abooot.

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Urgh your arrogance annoys me

You and my wife both.

She got over it. You will too, in time.

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as soon as i get my next cup o tea, which might as well be..... now.

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Im not crying about anything' date=' this is a suggestions thread. Im putting forward an idea that will bring vehicles back into play instead.


And I'm telling you vehicles haven't left play.

I'm no ARMA expert. I don't hack. And I only have a small group of friends who play. I'm nobody special.

Yet in the past 14 days my group has discovered, stolen, repaired, or otherwise occupied: 1 UAZ, 2 Land Rovers, 1 ATV, 2 Bicycles, 2 Motorcycles, 1 URAL Truck, 2 Tractors, 3 White Pick-ups, 2 Yellow Hatchbacks, 1 Red Sedan, 1 Small Fishing Boat, gee, what else? I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

And, yes, when you say "it's not fair" that you don't have a vehicle when the only thing standing between you and acquiring one is a little hard work, then it comes across as crying. Hike up your pants and get back out there and find yourself some wheels, son.

Well i bet theres a lot of vehicles on your server then......This post now not only concerns you, it is about you. Theres no need to have so many. Im being nice about this and your being a dick about it. Perhaps you should ask your mother if your allowed up this late to post back ?

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Go find them. There right there. Over there in the woods. You can practically see them from the road. Use your eyes. Those wet balls in your face holes. Yup' date=' those are the ones.


Love this

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This post now not only concerns you' date=' it is about you. Theres no need to have so many.


I don't have that many. Most have been stolen by players who don't spend their time moaning about things on the forums and instead seek out my camps and steal my shit.

Of all those vehicles I only have ~3 in my possession at the moment. So, I've made a lot of other players very happy I'm sure by providing repaired, fully-fueled vehicles with gear inside for them to steal. Most recently I lost a Ural with ~10 high powered weapons and 50+ magazines and clips plus a ton of food and medical supplies.

It could be you stealing my stuff. Right this very second I'm not online; you could be yoinking my gear right out from under me as we speak and blowing up my tents just to rub it in.

Instead you're here talking about how it's not possible?

Come on.

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I've seen two ATVs spawned in the same location, the Ural in the north, bikes, and cars, all in less than three days. Play on less populated servers if you want a vehicle.

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Not sure if this is already in effect but the hording of vehicles on this game is now reaching the point where we dont see them. Ever. Iv seen 3 or 4 in my whole time playing since this mod was released. Ppl having 4/8 vehicles in their camp isnt fair on everyone else.

Wouldn't work I have 30+ group so in that case I could just keep a stupid amount of vehicles at my camp. But on the other hand we do use them all at the same time so there is still the chance of someone getting them

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