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Official servers all players use Hack!!!!

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is there any way to tell if you're playing on a Public Server with hackers or cheaters? because I haven't noticed any of the sort on DayZ:SA for Xbox.

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There's no real way to know if a server has any cheaters on it until one of them does something extremely suspicious, or runs up to you at 100 kph. You won't know until it's too late.


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9 hours ago, Aleksei Pankov said:

Are there community servers which are not modded?

Most popular not modded is TheRunningManZ server. But modded is not bad in general. There are very different tastes. For example DayZ IntenZ server try to intensify the survival aspect. (using the MedicalAttention mod and other)

Modded is (often) but not only x1000 loot and M4A1 at spawn. Get yourself the DZSA laucher and give some of the hundreds variety server a try.

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@wildzero, thanks for the info! Will definitely check the DayZ IntenZ. I assume there will be fewer cheaters.

P.S. Yeah, you were reading my thoughts. I don't like modded servers, because the majority of them doesn't look like a survival game any more. They usually feel like "look-I-have-cooler-gun". With their gun shelves, fancy cars and bases built to the sky they deviate too far from the original DayZ idea.

Edited by Aleksei Pankov

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I still have to see any cheater since the new engine... 😅

I dunno how but playing on official and never killed by any cheater.

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Quick question...


How do you know that a player is a hacker?

I've been playing DayZ since 2014. Took a two year break and I'm back. But I honestly cannot say that I have ever encountered "hackers" on the public servers. The only servers I play on.

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With experience you just know, If I have to record I will, maybe I've been in the shadows too long, or on the wrong side of the game, It's not just DayZ pal, it's pretty much any PC game going, I honestly don't know what satisfaction they get out of it, would love to see them in competition with active admins and a prize grab....

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The cheating in this game is the worst I've seen in any game and I've been around a very long time. My friend contacted Bohemia and they said "it's not us, contact BattleEye." It's your game, Bohemia. It's your responsibility to secure it, not pass the buck to a company that's incompetent to stop any of these hackers. This is on you.

I cannot recommend this game to my friends until this gets fixed. It's changed the culture so much that if you are around any of the big cities or military bases you know a magic bullet is going to be fired and find your head even through walls. Two hours of getting to Tizy and you are hiding inside a shipping container and hear a shot from nearly 2km away and it finds your head magically.

People ask how you know they're hacking? They run faster than cars move at 160 KMPH. They brag they can spot all your items through walls and in crates from outside your base and name them all. They can shoot a shot into the air from 2km away and it will kill you, regardless if they're aiming at you. So in essence, you can see them speed hack, wall hack, and aim hack.

This is all bad, but what's worse is you don't know who the hacker is to report because the game doesn't tell you who you're looking at as they zip around at 200 KMPH. The game doesn't tell you who shot you while you were hiding inside a hallway of a house with no access to you. It doesn't tell you who's even talking since everybody is called "survivor" with very few exceptions.

Bohemia you are at fault. This game is ruined by your ineptitude to solve this most basic security issue.

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9 hours ago, Kad790 said:

People ask how you know they're hacking? They run faster than cars move at 160 KMPH. They brag they can spot all your items through walls and in crates from outside your base and name them all. They can shoot a shot into the air from 2km away and it will kill you, regardless if they're aiming at you. So in essence, you can see them speed hack, wall hack, and aim hack.


I can honestly say that I have never seen any of this.

Is it largely an American thing? Cos living in Ireland, I usually play on EU servers and I have yet to see anything that I can qualify, for absolute certainty, as "hacking". I have never, once, seen any player running at 160KMPH on any map I've played.

In fact, even with all my years with DayZ, I've only ever even saw someone doing the ghost exploit once, and I shot him dead as he logged in. So it wasn't too successful. 🤣

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People vote with their feet, why do you think the huge player based dropped so low. Too many hackers ruining it for all and yep people chose to walk away. The Devs don't mind as they already have your money. If they were forced to refund due to the hacking problem maybe they would do more.

As for Battle Eye it as always been a crap anti cheat system and will never improve.

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I don't know what the player base is these days. But I do know that I'm meeting more people in DayZ than I ever did before, which is a double edged sword, cos that usually ends in Bang!

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Unfortunately, cheaters are everywhere, and I don't know how they can enjoy the game using cheats. It's a huge problem. 

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