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[Team of 2 looking to join a squad]

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We are looking to either join a established group, or pick up a couple players to form our own squad. We are relatively new to the game, but have progressed quickly. We are able to survive very easily and deal with other players that pose threats to us.

Ideally we would like to play in a 4-man squad, and use strategy in raiding cities. Designate roles to players in the squad. If you are interested in starting a squad, or recruiting us to an already formed squad, please post here.

We use ventrilo for communication, and primarily play on seattle, LA, Chicago, and other US servers.

EDIT: We are both 20, and play at around 4pm-10pm on weekdays, and on weekends we will be on at various times throughout the day depending on any plans.

Contact me on skype: Defmarz

I'll be on skype from 4:30pm - 10pm.

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