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Server this happened on:

SK 1 Bratislava (v1.7.1.5/Beta 94444) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6]

* Time that it happened including your timezone:

Around 18:00 GMT+0

* What happened during the incident

Me and my friend Tom were looting the south west barracks in NW airfield. Tom and I see a player wearing a Ghillie suit and carrying a SAW. Tom managed to kill him and a message popped up saying "Sime was killed by Tom(friendly fire)". Then we waited near the barracks for the rest of our group to arrive when Tom got shot and killed by a DMR by a guy wearing a Ghillie suit around the same area we killed the first one. I panic and run off. The rest of my group arrives and DennisTheMess kills the guy with the DMR and again a message appeared saying "Sime was killed by DennisTheMess(friendly fire)" and his body immediately disappeared. So somehow this guy managed to resurrect himself and give himself a different weapon.

Unfortunately we do not have any photos or videos of this event as none of us were recording at the time.

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I was there on the Server and saw the Death Messages for both Tom and the Hacker Sime. I also was on the Same Teamspeak at the Time of this event.

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Yeah this guy got killed by our sniper (Tom) and somehow managed to teleport back with full gear (Ghillei and DMR) and managed to kill Tom. HE started running towards the treeline south of the southern north airfield barracks and I managed to shoot him while I was prone. His corpse then disappeared.

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Hi there! Sorry to reply to this thread so slowly.

I'm one of the guys paying for the hosting of SK 1 - the server went up a couple of days ago and we've had teething problems with it - coupled with the fact that we all have full time jobs - so bit late to the party but better late than never!

If this happens again please can you have a fraps or screenshot for proof and I'll ban right away.

My in-game name is D0LLySh33p.


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