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Brother Hao

Please make it so that you can only pull primary weapons off your back

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What I mean by primary weapons: Any weapon, melee or ranged, that takes up over 12 squares in the inventory. With this limit, all handguns, the CZ-61, the sawed off mosin, double barrel and izh would all still be able to be pulled out from your pockets (which I personally don't have an issue with). I'm just sick of people being able to store AKs and pickaxes in their backpacks and being able to pull them out at basically a moment's notice. Very unrealistic and unsightly, which is why I'm proposing this limitation. 

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I agree that it is way too fast to pull out weapons and shoot as of now. Especially from the backpack, but even from the shoulder. However the solution must not be that you can't store a rifle in a backpack. That is just unrealistic and stupid.  

What would be good is longer time to draw weapons overall. Different times to draw weapons based on how they're being hauled. Eg pulling a pistol from the holster on a plate carrier - super fast(but not faster than right now, maybe even slower). Pulling a pistol from inside a secure container inside a backpack - super slow.  

In addition(!) the animation for drawing weapons need to be bigger and involve more of the whole body. When you are holding someone up it's just too friggin sneaky to pull out a pistol right now, only the right arm moves.

Edited by SoWeMeetAgain

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I really love the realistic approach, but I know how this one ends... If you make it too slow to draw weapons, most players are never going to put them away.

I think the speed from the shoulder is fine. Personally, I don’t think you should be able to grab ANYTHING quickly from the backpack... even loading mags from the backpack seems stupid to me... I’d also like to see realistic clothing/cargo. Don’t get me started on being able to carry a cooking pot in your jeans! 

Unfortunately, most players don’t care about realism. Even though this is supposed to be a serious, survival, ‘anti-game’. 

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