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Max Planck

Recruitment sub-forum rules

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Please read the following prior to posting in this section:


This section of the forum is for lone survivors/a few friends looking to advertise their details, as well as for players that are looking for a group/clan/server.


-This section is not to be used for ex clan members or anyone else to post their dislike of a certain clan; doing so will result in action being taken. If a clan is breaking the forum rules, please report them to us.


-Bumping is permitted but is not to be abused. If your post is on the first page then please don't bump. Otherwise please don't bump your thread more than once in 14 days.


Don't advertise clans/groups/servers based on religious themes/ideals.

Don't advertise clans/groups/servers based on known real world hate groups that could offend.

Don't advertise clans/groups/servers with offensive titles.

Please don't use this thread to advertise anything else or to provide links to sites with the intention of making money.

All other forum rules apply within this thread with regards to bumping, spamming, trolling, flaming and double posting.

Please do not create more than one topic advertising your clan/group/community.


Please make sure to give your general location (continent, for example) to save other users' time.


When answering looking for a friend/group/clan/server topics:

No full page posts.
Please provide link to your original clan/server topic.
Post only in topics corresponding to demand.
Do not high-jack other clan/server topics.
Excessive posting of your advertisement in a short period of time is considered spamming, as is multi-posting.


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