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DayZ server

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Hello everyone, I have a problem launching a DayZ server from my account, I will explain briefly what I have made.

I have a private server running windows and steam with DayZ Server installed (from steam), it all works fine untill I try to launch DayZ on my main PC in order to test the server, in this case appears a window in one of the machines that says the game is in use in

another computer and force me to log in with steam pw and steam guard code in order to use the profile, meanwhile in the machine who has this window I think steam services are shut down so I can either run the server or play DayZ even if are 2 different things.

Is it possible to install the server in a certain way in order to avoid steam or is possible to avoid this problem at all with my current configuration?


Tranks in advance for the help

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How are you launching the server exe?  If you are trying to do that using Steam, you're doing it wrong.  You need to launch it via a batch file or server tool with the appropriate command line switches pointing to your config file, BattleEye folder, etc.

Check the "PC > Server" section here for lots of posts about this.


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