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Please bring Crossplay

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- bring console and pc to the "same" game version
- add servers that support crossplay
- give us players
the chance to choose between crossplay & non crossplay servers.

The game would be alot much more fun, if we could play together. 🙂
It would harm no-one and its not unfair, because everyone could choose by his self.

Edited by Anomal

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As an option it could be nice, I've a friend on a console version and I'm playing PC.

But if enforced it would be lame, especially if they add this dumb aim assist console thing like in Fortnite (this game's not bad to chill - if you forget the dumb jump/build people).

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The version always gets updated a week or so after PC.

Crossplay is never going to happen.  How would you install PC mods?  This topic has been brought up many times.  Try doing a search next time, please.

Fancy text is a great way to convince people to do things.  You almost had me.  

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