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DayZ Livonia Server Switch and Server Shutdown

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Bunk, just found out today that my public server MI4134  has been deleted, thanks guys, all those hours spent gathering stuff only to have 80% of it dissapear. Not like even if I knew it was on the axe list I would have been able to move over my barells and wooden crates with me when I logged off? If I had known I would have at least picked up one empty barell to take with me!  Luckily I keep my very best stuff on me when I log off to prevent theft, but next time I do log in I'll be weighted down with nowhere to stash my stuff? Ill be in some random field with 200 pounds of gear on me wondering where the hell I am and where I can stash some stuff so I can move again. What a  bunk deal. There's not many servers to begin with that have low populations. Why get rid of low pop servers, those are the only ones I want to play on! I hate being around a bunch of people who pretty much all shoot on sight, not to mention there's absolutely no good loot on high pop servers? The community is toxic as hell in this game between hording and shooting everything that is alive. I usually play at weird hours just to avoid people and get things done without having to watch my ass around every corner. I guess its back to private servers forever, public life is way to unstable and not enjoyable at all. Spend 3 days playing to find a measly ak74 and a few mags, try to set yourself up a little place to call home and they wipe it out from under you?

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21 hours ago, kalibhan_br said:

It ocurred with PS4 too! Why do consoles have a different treatment, besides paying more for the game?

I see that there is some confusion here 🙂

There were some PC servers that got switched, as we changed our server provider. We tried to transfer the stashes to new servers, but due to some bugs, not everyone got to keep their things, we are still working on this.

For console players, there was no server switch, there was a server shutdown, meaning that all your stashes and bases would got deleted(this is explained on the original post).

If you had your console server shutdown, there is no way of getting your stashes or bases back, it was intended like that.


If you play on console, lost your stashes or bases, and your server is NOT on the list , please reach our customer support and provide the server name + location of stashes.


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i follow dayz twitter and forum every day but someone may miss them.

Next time i propose a little note (as that of bug hunt) that appear in the start of the game.

"beware, some servers will shut down/change, go forum/twitter for details"


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This game is fucking garbage!!!! You guys can’t get shit right deleted multiple servers with people stuff in them I will never play this garbage again!!! What the fuck is the point my crew and I played months on the same server collecting and building all for nothing because you fucks can’t get shit right. What a fucking waste of time and money. Fuck that shit! I will be on every platform known to man telling everyone to avoid this trash! This is the most unorganized thing I’ve even witnessed in my fucking life! If you’re gonna delete people shit that they’ve payed money for you should give them a refund! I am guessing that isn’t an option because it’s such a shit game prob don’t have any money left to do shit with! What a fucking god damn joke this game has been! Nothing ever fucking works and you try to fix something you and fuck it up even more! Just shut the whole damn thing down and wait for the next game to come out and do it right!!!! For goddamn sake! Stupid fucks!

Edited by David Shook

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Si te digo lo que pienso me vais a banear , horas de trabajo looteano ,bases y coches a tomar por culo?  No podiais mandar un email? 7n mensaje por PS4 ? Cualquier aviso? Yo pensando que estaba en mantenimiento? Todas mis partidas están grabadas y alojadas en un NAS ! mi server era 9179 y ni unas disculpas ? La verdad  is merecéis una demanda..


El 30/1/2020 a las 14:45, Greensek dijo:

Hola supervivientes


Cambiaremos y apagaremos algunos de nuestros servidores en todas las plataformas, lea a continuación para ver si afecta a algunos de los servidores en los que juega.


Switch de servidor

Como estamos cambiando a un proveedor de servidores diferentes, durante la próxima semana (del 3 al 7 de febrero) cambiaremos algunos de nuestros servidores de PC a máquinas nuevas.

Tus personajes, bases y escondites no afectados versos afectados.

Una vez que comencemos con el proceso de cambio de servidor, actualizaremos la lista a continuación para separar por dónde se trasladarán sus servidores.

computadora personal

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DayZ AU 4-211 - Alojado por Fragnet.net - Persistencia activada -> DayZ AP - SY 0978 (1ª persona | Persistencia activada)
DayZ AU 4-265 - Alojado por Fragnet.net - Persistencia activada -> DayZ AP - SY 1023 (Persistencia activada)
DayZ AU 4-231 - Alojado por Fragnet.net - Persistencia activada -> DayZ AP - SY 1059 (Persistencia activada)



DayZ SG 4-290 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled   - >   DayZ AP - SG 6064 (Persistence ON)
DayZ SG 4-288 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled   - >   DayZ AP - SG 6094 (1st Person Only | Persistence ON)
DayZ SG 4-291 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled   - >   DayZ AP - SG 6133 (Persistence ON)



DayZ DE 4-022 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled   - >   DayZ EU - DE 1297 (1st Person Only | Persistence ON)
DayZ DE 4-029 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled   - >   DayZ EU - DE 1354 (Persistence ON)
DayZ DE 4-030 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled   - >   DayZ EU - DE 1363 (Persistence ON)
DayZ DE 4-028 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled   - >   DayZ EU - DE 1390 (Persistence ON)
DayZ DE 4-271 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled   - >   DayZ EU - DE 1420 (Persistence ON)
DayZ DE 4-249 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled   - >   DayZ EU - DE 1462 (Persistence ON)
DayZ SE 4-046 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled   - >   DayZ EU - DE 1486 (Persistence ON)


US East

DayZ ATL 4-274 - Alojado por Fragnet.net - Persistencia activada -> DayZ US - NY 6032 (Persistencia activada)
DayZ ATL 4-225 - Alojado por Fragnet.net - Persistencia activada -> DayZ US - NY 6053 (solo en primera persona) | Persistencia ON)


Oeste de EE. UU.

DayZ DAL 4-067 - Alojado por Fragnet.net - Persistencia activada -> DayZ US - LA 5933 (Persistencia activada)
DayZ DAL 4-100 - Alojado por Fragnet.net - Persistencia activada -> DayZ US - LA 5978 (solo en primera persona) | Persistencia ON)


El servidor se cayó

A partir del 14 de febrero, retiraremos algunos servidores oficiales en todas las plataformas.

Cuando Livonia detectó en diciembre, agregamos 128 nuevos servidores para dar cabida a todos los que querían probar o cambiar permanentemente al nuevo mapa DLC. Ahora que la tasa de jugadores que cambian los mapas se ha calmado, y vemos cómo se distribuye entre los servidores de Chernarus y Livonia, retiramos los 107 servidores menos activos para evitar tener servidores poco poblados. Entonces, en comparación con antes del lanzamiento de Livonia, todavía tendremos 21 servidores adicionales para que juegues.

Nos gustaría pedirte que comiences a considerar cambiar tu personaje a un servidor diferente. Todas sus bases y escondites se pierden en estos servidores.

PC Livonia:

  Revelar contenidos ocultos



DayZ Livonia EU - DE 4205 (Persistence OFF)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ Livonia EU - DE 4286 (Persistence OFF)   - >   Shut Down


US East

DayZ Livonia US - NY 4415 (Persistence OFF)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ Livonia US - NY 4478 (Persistence OFF)
DayZ Livonia US - NY 4709 (Persistence OFF)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ Livonia US - NY 4733 (Persistence OFF)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ Livonia US - NY 4763 (Persistence OFF)
DayZ Livonia US - NY 5051 (1st Person Only | Persistence OFF)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ Livonia US - NY 5132 (Persistence OFF)   - >   Shut Down


US West

DayZ Livonia US - LA 5249 (persistencia desactivada) -> Apagar
DayZ Livonia US - LA 5270 (persistencia desactivada)
DayZ Livonia US - LA 5324 (persistencia desactivada)
DayZ Livonia US - LA 5342 (persistencia desactivada) -> Apagar
DayZ Livonia EE. UU. - LA 5429 (Persistencia desactivada)

Playstation 4:

  Revelar contenidos ocultos



DayZ EU - DE 9128 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9179 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9230 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9281 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9146 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9197 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9248 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9299 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9149 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9200 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9251 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9302 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9152 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9203 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9254 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9305 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9155 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9206 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9257 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9308 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9158 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9209 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 9260 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down


US East

DayZ US - NY 2578 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - NY 2728 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - NY 2251 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - NY 2401 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - NY 2581 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - NY 2731 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0018 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0036 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0054 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0858 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0876 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0894 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0912 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0861 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0879 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0897 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 0915 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down


US West

DayZ US - LA 2284 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2434 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2614 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2764 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2287 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2437 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2617 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2767 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2290 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2440 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2620 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - LA 2770 (Persistencia ON)    -> Apagar
DayZ US - LA 2293 (Persistence ON)    -> Apagar
DayZ US - LA 2443 (Persistence ON)    -> Apagar
DayZ US - LA 2623 (Persistence ON)    -> Apague
DayZ US - LA 2773 (Persistencia ON)    -> Apague
DayZ US - LA 2296 (Persistence ON)    -> Apague
DayZ US - LA 2446 (Persistence ON)    -> Apague
DayZ US - LA 2626 (Persistence ON)    -> Apagar

PlayStation 4 Livonia:

  Revelar contenidos ocultos



DayZ Livonia EU - DE 2056 (Persistencia OFF)    -> Apagar
DayZ Livonia EU - DE 2089 (Persistencia OFF)    -> Apagar


Este de los Estados Unidos

DayZ Livonia EE. UU. - NY 8828 (Persistencia desactivada)    -> Apagar


Oeste de EE. UU.

DayZ Livonia US - LA 8372 (Persistencia OFF)    -> Apagar
DayZ Livonia US - LA 8375 (Persistence OFF)    -> Apagar
DayZ Livonia US - LA 8399 (Persistencia OFF)    -> Apagar

Xbox One:

  Revelar contenidos ocultos



DayZ AP - SG 7225 (Persistencia ON)    -> Apagar



DayZ EU - DE 3864 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 3903 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 3942 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 3981 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 3867 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 3906 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 3990 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 4029 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 4068 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ EU - DE 4107 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down


US East

DayZ US - MI 8689 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 9122 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 9125 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 9128 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 9131 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 4134 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 4173 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 4212 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down
DayZ US - MI 4251 (Persistence ON)   - >   Shut Down


US West

DayZ US - LA 4299 (Persistencia ON)    -> Apagar
DayZ US - LA 4338 (Persistence ON)    -> Apagar
DayZ US - LA 4377 (Persistence ON)    -> Apagar
DayZ US - LA 4416 (Persistence ON)    -> Apague
DayZ US - LA 4302 (Persistencia ON)    -> Apague
DayZ US - LA 4341 (Persistence ON)    -> Apague
DayZ US - LA 4380 (Persistence ON)    -> Apague
DayZ US - LA 4419 (Persistence ON)    -> Apagar



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20 minutes ago, wizard69mj said:

Si te digo lo que pienso me vais a banear , horas de trabajo looteano ,bases y coches a tomar por culo?  No podiais mandar un email? 7n mensaje por PS4 ? Cualquier aviso? Yo pensando que estaba en mantenimiento? Todas mis partidas están grabadas y alojadas en un NAS ! mi server era 9179 y ni unas disculpas ? La verdad  is merecéis una demanda..





It's ok if you are not 100% comfortable typing in english, but feel free to use any kind of translator. Even if the result is not that great, It will be way easier for anyone to understand and help you. 

We have been telling players about the server switch, and server termination, for almost a month now. We have posts on the forum, and social networks about it.

We do not have any access to console players emails, and we don't have information on which servers everyone is playing on. I'm sorry you missed it, and I would like to recommend you follow us on our communication channels to always be updated on this type of things.



  • Thanks 1

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