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After a launch my game it's wont work

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Actually, When i click play button my game just ingored it and didn't launched. I can't play to 3 days with this problem, please help me , hope for your kindness.

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Customize you character first, then click on change server button to select a server where you want to play. Play button does not work until you connect to a server at least once. Later when you quit the game, if you hover your mouse on the play button it will show which server it will connect to. If there is no server info, it will not do anything and you need to connect to a server using the change server button. 

It is a bit unintuitive.

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3 hours ago, zero100022 said:

No when i press at play button in launcher my game don't launch 


Open the game library on Steam.
1. Right-click on the game, select properties
2. Tab "local files" - click the button "check the integrity of the game files" .
3. Wait for the test to finish and try to start the game.

Edited by lex__1

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