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There should only be enough food for 30 people, and add Steam achievements for hours surviving.

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The threat of scarcity isn't a really big deal considering how easy it is to find food for everyone. 

There should only be enough food for 30 people, regardless of how many people are actually in the server. This still makes the game fun for those who enjoy low populated servers or high populated servers. People in low populated servers will still enjoy surviving on their own while avoiding pvp, and people on high populated servers will enjoy the pvp, while having a good reason to kill. In a real life apocalypse, people wouldn't be killing each other if there is enough food for everyone. However, in DayZ, there is enough food for everyone but people still kill because it's fun, not because food is scarce. Scarcity should be a real threat to at least give players a good reason to kill, rather than doing it for fun. This will also encourage people grouping since a group is stronger than solo survivors. 

There should also be Steam achievements for surviving. I think the highest achievement would be surviving for 7 days (168 hours) while the lowest achievement would be surviving for 24 hours. 



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1 hour ago, Homeschooliazon said:

Hm I actually like it how it is right now. Unless I cook some animals I always come close to starving to death on full servers.

It's very easy to find food. Killing zombies is another way of finding food. 

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find server with low loot...for me this means low of everything...guns,bullets,food,water.

but for 90% of people this is not fun and real hardcore servers have 0 players.


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