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Thomsen (DayZ)

Backpack in a backpack?

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Funny thought.

I was wondering wether you could place another backpack inside your own backpack? :D

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That would be funny. Three coyote packs in a coyote pack, all full with items. And maybe you could pack a backpack into the backpack which is in the backpack. And all over again, like you could pack a backpack in the already into the backpacked backpack packed and place it in the backpack in that one.

Hahaha (:

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Yo dawg i heard you like backpacks, so we put a backpack in your backpack, so you can carry a backpack while you carry a backpack

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Yo dawg i heard you like backpacks' date=' so we put a backpack in your backpack, so you can carry a backpack while you carry a backpack



I was going to do this. You bastard. I HATE YOU.


Im sorry for my outburst. Sometimes, I rage. A lot.

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+1 Just make it so that carried backpacks can't contain items even. Just empty backbacks and I'd be more than happy.

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You can put full backpacks in some trucks and tents.

When you put a backpack into a container it's contents are emptied into the container first.

Protip: Vehicle and Tent Containers have room for Guns(and tools), Items(food, blood, ammo, etc), and Bags. There are reserved slots for each type. It can be full of one and not the other.

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That would be funny. Three coyote packs in a coyote pack' date=' all full with items. And maybe you could pack a backpack into the backpack which is in the backpack. And all over again, like you could pack a backpack in the already into the backpacked backpack packed and place it in the backpack in that one.

Hahaha (:


what lmao

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Ultima Online anyone?

Hellow fellow Ultima Online fan :D

I was just telling my friend that DAYZ is the first online game since Ultima Online to get me this hooked. Also you get the same feeling in both games when you die and all your stuff is gone!

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It would work if a backpack took up as many slots as it has. That way, you could put a little backpack into a big backpack without wasting space, and avoid issues with backpacks in backpacks in backpacks in backpacks in backpacks in backpacks in backpacks in backpacks in...


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