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Night time

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i love playing at night, its spooky as shit but alot of other people dont and just log onto another server that is day time. this is fine for them i guess but if you added bonuses at night e.g. better loot, higher chance of car/choppers. i feel it would get more people playing at night. To balcene this out you could add a different type/types of zombies that only come out at night and hunt you. this my be a stupid idea and i would like to know what people think.

anyone else feel the same or just hate the night?

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I would love to see more night time servers..

However, with sudden influx of game servers, people have no interest in experiencing night time anymore, why bother when you can pick from any non-night server. Plus the fact that servers restart every few hours, and somehow it messes up their timezone isn't helping either

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I love playing at night, much more atmospheric. But when i join a night server they are generally pretty empty. And then i wonder, how many of those guys have NVG ? Bit offputting to imagine you might be the only guy blundering around in the dark.

I suggested that all characters should be synced to a time zone so at some point they HAVE to play at night.


Im also of the opinion that NVG should be removed as I think the dark / light source dynamic is much better for the game.

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I like to play at night because it's even more intense, because there ARE fewer players running around playing deathmatch, and because zombies are much more dangerous and creepy when you can't see them. To me, those are all plenty enough benefit for playing at night. Let the run-n-gunners have their daylight all the time servers.

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I too wish there was a greater variety of server times within each time zone. It's kind of unfortunate if someone like myself only is able to get online at night during my timezone, so I have no choice but to play at night (or try to get in another timezone server but most likely get kicked for ping.) I don't hate playing at night, I just wish I could at least sometime play during the day, like, at all. Having a server that night time people like can play day time in would allow day time players to experience night time play as well. Would be very helpful for both parties I think.

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I like playing at night, at least then I have a chance at not getting shot in the back. Sure I cant see for crap but its a good way to arm up for the day when all the killers come out.

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I would play night time, but I usally get sniped by NVG wielding DMR asshats that camp around. Trust me when I say its hard to return fire on someone you can even see.

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The night time is great I love it but when you equip a flashlight and start shinning the light to zombies they ignore It.It doesnt feel realistic.Hope to fix that.

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anyone think NVG's should be removed?

Why did we have flashlights in the first place? No need to give them as starting gear when you disconnect when it gets dark.

Night time might be as dangerous as day because most NVG campers are in the bushes near the key spots.

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Due to hanging around on the forum during the day *cough* i tend to play at night as well... i find it's way easier as zombies have a harder time to see you, which seems fair as i have a harder time seeing them (so i tend to 'play by ear' ), another 'fun' thing i experienced the other night, was somebody with a lazer pointer (likely a friendly as no shot was fired), provoking me ... i guess when (s)he noticed i wasn't responding and frantically looking for beans instead, that i posed no thread. But seeing that red light wiggle did make my heart beat twice...

I also do not get why we spawn with a flashlight, esp. since there are so many light sources in the game. torches and chemlights that work just as well or even better, if a flashlight doesn't 'interest' zombies than shouldn't this be an item on a loot table with some rarity ? esp. since there are so many other alternatives laying around :)

As far as NVG go, i do not think they should be removed, i do think 'glasses' should be implemented, one being a sunglass, the other one of those 'bright yellow' glasses. The rarity of the NVG can go up, and these Bright Yellow glasses would give 'some' improvement at night :)

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Is the lazer pointer legit? I dont see it on any WIKI's other than full Arma2. I had someone appear behind me tonight on US430 and only i saw flash's going past my head i turned in time to see him and move quick.

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anyone think NVG's should be removed?

No, they are fine as they are, the problem is they get duped so much they become a fairly common item which is game breaking, they themselves aren't.

I love playing on nighttime servers too OP, it's very fun walking through the darkness and then seeing a flare up in the distance lighting up the darkness.

I really want to encounter someone wearing night vision goggles and get in a firefight with them.

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